Kirk Hammett,出生於1962年11月18日,主音吉它手加入時間:1982年,出於1962年11月18日,出生地加利福尼亞舊金山,身高:171釐米***5英尺8英寸***,體重:61公斤***134磅***,婚姻狀況:1998年4月4日結婚,妻子:Lani Hammett,曾加入的樂隊:Exodus
In May 1983, Metallica traveled to Rochester, New York to record its debut album, Metal Up Your Ass.[11] Due to the lead guitarist's ***Dave Mustaine*** substance abuse and violent tendencies, he was fired from the band, and would eventually form the band Megadeth.[12] Hammett received a phone call from Metallica the same afternoon.[8] Even though he had never left California before, Hammett gathered some money together and flew out to New York for an audition.[8] As soon as Hammett arrived in New York, he was instantly asked to join the band.[8] All of this happened prior to the recording of Kill 'Em All. At the time, Hammett was taking private lessons from guitar virtuoso Joe Satriani. He was also a member of Exodus at the time he was offered to join Metallica, and although the offer may have came as a surprise to him, he was already well acquainted with Metallica.[13] While in Exodus, Hammett had shared the stage with Metallica on more than one occasion.
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