


  Coffee has been a part of people's lives for ***1***_____ years, and it is still a favourite drink inthe world. Here is a story of coffee and ***2***_____ it was discovered.

  The story ***3***______ us coffee was discovered in Africa ***4***_____. One day a farmer***5***_____ his goats, and he saw them ***6***_____ some berries***種子*** from a plant. The goatsbecame ***7***______ after they ate the berries. The man felt tired, ***8***______ he decided to trythe berries, too. ***9***_______, he didn't feel tired any more. Coffee plants were thus discovered.The coffee ***10***______ from Africa to other countries. After that the farmers started to growcoffee plants there, especially in South America.


  *** ***1. A. thousand of B. thousand

  C. thousands of D. a thousand of

  *** ***2. A. how B. why C. what D. who

  *** ***3. A. says B. speaks C. talks D. tells

  *** ***4. A. long, long time ago B. long, long times ago

  C. long, long time before D. long, long time later

  *** ***5. A. watch B. watches C. was watching D. is watching

  *** ***6. A. eat B. eats C. ate D. has eaten

  *** ***7. A. very tired B. very active C. badly ill D. fast asleep

  *** ***8. A. but B. or C. because D. so

  *** ***9. A. For his great surprise B. With his great surprise

  C. To his great surprise D. To his great surprises

  *** ***10.A. were taken B. were brought

  C. was taken D. brought



  1.C. 表示不固定的數量時,可以使用基數詞的複數形式加上介詞of構成。

  2.A. 根據文章第二段的介紹,我們可知這篇文章介紹的是咖啡的來歷。

  3.D. 表示告訴某人某事應用動詞tell。

  4.A. 這是一般過去時,所以應該用副詞ago, 另外,這裡的time是不可數名詞,不用複數形式。

  5.C. 這裡所指的是當時正在進行的動作,因此應用過去進行時態。

  6.A. see somebody do something 表示“看到某人做了某事”。

  7.B. 根據下文的“he didn't feel tired any more”可知吃了這種種子後,人們會感覺不在疲憊,而是感到精神振奮。

  8.D. “The man often felt tired”是原因,這裡應該是結果了。

  9.C. 表示 “使某人感到吃驚”應用短語to one's surprise ,其中的surprise是不可數名詞,要用單數形式。

  10.C. 表示”帶走”應用動詞take,這裡還是主語為單數形式的被動語態,因此助動詞應該用單數。