


  Three small fish lived in the sea. When they were very young, their parents died. They had to 61 each other day after day. Finally, they grew up and 62 to swim deeper and further.

  One morning. the three fish were 63 to a shallow ***淺*** water by a big wave ***浪***. A small boat was taken there. too. It was hard for the fish to go back to the sea because the boat was fight in front of them. The largest fish realized that they were 64 and said they had to find a way to leave there as fast as possible. The second largest fish 65with his elder brother, but the youngest one did not. He said that there was much 66for their activities, so he would not worry at all and still swam around 67.At last, the largest fish returned to the 68 by jumping over the lowest part of the boat. The second largest fish also succeeded in 69 his eider brother in the other side of water. But the youngest one didn't follow them and still swam joyfully.

  Two hours later, when the 70 rose up, the water in the small shallow corner dried up. The fish who did not try to return to the sea died of lack***缺乏***of water.


  61. A. listen to B. look after C. talk with D. worry about

  62. A. dared B. hated C. refused D. stopped

  63. A. allowed B. given C. invited D. taken

  64. A. in safety B. in doubt C. in danger D. in peace

  65. A. agreed B. talked C. compared D. discussed

  66. A. time B. food C. water D. air

  67. A. slowly B. sadly C. luckily D. happily

  68. A. sea B. river C. lake D. pond

  69. A. catching B. joining C. taking D. telling

  70. A. storm B. stars C. moon D. sun


  61. B 由句意可知:三條小魚的父母死後,它們不得不日復一日的相互照顧著。其中A意為“聽”;B意為“照顧;照料”;C意為“交談”;D意為“擔心”。故選B。

  62. A 由句意可知:它們長大後不敢去更深更遠的地方去游泳。故選A。

  63. D 由句意可知:一天早上三條小魚被大浪頭帶到了淺水處。而且後一句中“A small boat wastaken there, too”也可知應選D。

  64. C 由句意可知:因為那條船正好位於它們的前面,最大的這條魚發現了它們正處於危險中,必須找到一條路儘快的離開。故選C。

  65. A 由句意可知:第二條大魚同意它大哥的想法,但最小的魚不同意。故選A,構成短語“agree with”。

  66. C 由句意可知:最小的魚認為這兒有供它們活動的許多水。故選C。

  67. D 由句意可知:它***最小的魚***不願離開這兒,覺得在這兒仍舊能快樂地四處遊動。故選D。

  68. A 由句意可知:最大的魚回到海里。故選A。

  69. B join sb in…意為“和某人一起加入某種活動中”,故選B。

  70. D 由句意可知:兩小時後,當太陽升起來後,淺水區的水被晒乾。故選D。