201X年X月X日 X天
sports keep us fit land fresh. everybody likes to do one kind or another. but not all people know how to do them correctly and sometimes the advice we got may be wrong.
i'm lucky, for since my first day at school i have always had a good teacher of physical education. i have always been very strong.
i go swimming almost every day all the year round, of course i like many other sports too. i am thinking of taking part in a few items at the school sports meeting this autumn.
201X年X月X日 X天
it's important for us to be healthy all our life. we can't study or work well without healthy body.
there're many ways to keep healthy. first of all, we should keep taking exercises every day. we can walk to school instead of taking a bus. after school, we can spend an hour playing ball games. if we live in a high-rise, we can walk upstairs or downstairs. second, we should have a balanced diet. finally, we must remember: "early to bed, early to rise is the way to keep healthy, wealthy and wise."
201X年X月X日 X天
pany we keep, for our habit, and character will be as much influenced by the former as by the latter.we may obtain knowledge by reading. the more books we read, the more we accumulate the knowledge. is it right? i don't think so. it's not wide reading but useful reading that leads to excellence. and only good books can benifit us.
so choosing books is very important for reading. many students spend a lot of time reading legends and swordsman novels.it's a waste of time. some students even read some bad books and it is harmful for them. so be as careful of the books we read, as of the company we keep, for our habit and character will be as much influened by the former as by the latter.
water is not much
201X年X月X日 X天
in the world. and the ocean water can't be drink. so please save water.
how do we save water? i tell you quickly. first we must stop tap from we are not using it. second we must switch off the tap when we brush our teeth.third we must't waste water when we don't wash our hands.
so we can waste water start out small. because water is valuable.
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