:Counter offer
14 September 2015
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
Dear Miss Liu xi:
We have received your sample of quality wood, thank you very much, we are very satisfied with the sample, but your price is too high, we can not accept, through the market survey we find that the price can also be reduced by 10%-15%. Therefore, we put forward the price is $90 / carton, the other conditions we have no meaning, we hope you can take our price.
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
15 September 2015
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
Dear Jack
We have received your letter, for your suggestion, we have seriously considered, although we acknowledge that the price can be reduced, but the price is too low, it is too low, we can not accept this, we are ready to compromise, our new offer is $100 / carton, this is our bottom line, I hope you can consider accepting.
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Liu Xi
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
16 September 2015
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
Dear Miss Liu xi:
Thank you 15 letter, for your proposal, after discussion, we agree to traded at $100 /carton CIF NewYork. Other matters in accordance with the previous offer to implement. Believe that this cooperation will give us a special harvest. Next, please draw the same.
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
:The signing of the contract
18 September 2015
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
Dear Jack
I have drawn up a contract, and sent to your mailbox, please check it. Have any questions, please inform me, I will change in time.
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Liu Xi
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
19 September 2015
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
Dear Miss Liu xi:
I have received your contract, after careful examination and no problem, this is a satisfactory contract. I have signed and sent to your mail box. Please check.
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
:Letter of credit
20 September 2015
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
Dear Jack
There is no problem with the contract. So, let's start the business. Please open a letter of credit for us.
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Liu Xi
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
21 September 2015
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
Dear Miss Liu xi:
We have applied to the bank for opening the L / C, and the bank is in the process of examination and approval. I believe you will receive a notification from the bank for a few days.
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
23 September 2015
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
Dear Jack
We have received a letter of credit, after a careful reading of some of the inadequacies of the discovery, so we made a number of amendments to modify the contents of the annex will be sent to you together.
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Liu Xi
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
23 September 2015
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
Dear Miss Liu xi:
We were surprised to receive your email. We read the letter of credit in detail. We also have a few comments on our proposal. The new letter of credit will be sent to you through the attachment.
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
24 September 2015
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
Dear Jack
We study you modify the letter of credit, the satisfaction of basic, but there are still a little, about legal terms, we still insist on its own way; hope you you will consider.
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Liu Xi
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
24 September 2015
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
Dear Miss Liu xi:
To be able to complete this work smoothly, we agree to your proposal, so please make a formal letter to the bank to amend the L / C,
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
24 September 2015
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
Dear Jack
Thank you for your understanding, we have a comprehensive view of the parties, the amendment of the L / C, and formally to the bank for the application, please be patient.
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Liu Xi
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
25 September 2015
Jinhua Export Co., Ltd.
China Nanjing Shanghai Road 99
Dear Miss Liu xi:
We have received a notice from the bank, the revised letter of credit has been satisfactory. We have agreed. We'll pay the bank later.
We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
Yours faithfully
Qianlong International Co., Ltd
USA New York Wall Street commercial building, No. 109,the USA.
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