Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: For future success, relating well to others is more important than studying hard at school.
某學員的觀點為Studying hard is more important for future success,並完成了以下的段落:
[Topic Sentence]First of all, studying hard at school can lay a good foundation. [Explanation] Medicine and law are both need long time to study’s subject. People should learn at least three years to have a basic recognition. [Example]For example, one day a man goes to the hospital. And the doctor who is curing the man says that I may not bring you a healthy body because I can get this job result from my friend. Actually I am not good at it. So I have a question is if you meet a doctor just like this, what would you do? And what would you think about it? This type of people cannot be allowed to appear in the society. It is an opposite instance.
1.解釋與主題句邏輯聯絡不緊密。解釋的精髓在於將主題句的抽象概念進行第一層次的具體化,並起到把主題與例子聯絡起來的橋樑作用。但是,以上文段當中問題比較明顯。首先,主題句中的要點在於hard,而解釋的部分卻表達了long time. 時間長跟努不努力沒有關係。
Problematic: Medicine and law are both need long time to study’s subject. People should learn at least three years to have a basic recognition.
Revised: The success of many elites in different fields***埋下伏筆,為例子做鋪墊***is the result of unrelenting efforts***同義改寫,呼應主題句***in their school days.
2.例證欠缺說服力差。例子需要圍繞主題句和解釋部分的邏輯展開,比如這道題,最核心的邏輯鏈條便是由studying hard帶來的success。作者想用一個反例來說明如果不好好學習,能力不夠是沒法在社會上生存的。但是在表達方式上過於口語化,而且語言質量不高。
Problematic: For example, one day a man goes to the hospital. And the doctor who is curing the man says that I may not bring you a healthy body because I can get this job result from my friend. Actually I am not good at it. So I have a question is if you meet a doctor just like this, what would you do? And what would you think about it? This type of people cannot be allowed to appear in the society. It is an opposite instance.
Revised: Doctors serve as an excellent example. [正例]In order to become successful doctors, medical students must read thousands of professional books and papers at school, take numerous tests and spend long hours in the laboratory. No one can deny that hard work at school greatly contributes to their reputation and expertise. Patients will be more comfortable receiving medical treatment from these doctors. [反例]Conversely, no one is willing to see a doctor who is poor in academics but good at establishing social connections.
1. 固定片語中、某些專有名詞前省略冠詞
在此類固定片語中省略冠詞的現象很普遍。比如,在漢語“養成一個好習慣”中,我們完全可以省去量詞而不影響表達,但在英語中卻不能省。當中國學生使用英語名詞時,漢語語法的影響就出現了,再加上記憶固定片語時存在偏差,省略冠詞就很容易出現。在某些專有名詞前要用定冠詞,如果記憶不準就可能省去冠詞,再加上漢語的專有名詞前沒有相應的功能詞修飾語,母語遷移也可導致省去定冠詞。例如:“in ***the*** course of learning English”,“get into ***a*** good habit of saving water”等。
2. 在形容詞比較級、最高階和序數詞前省略定冠詞
這種情況下漢語的影響更大。漢語裡說“……比……大/小等;最……”等等,加上對英語比較級和最高階的用法不熟悉,考生在使用它們時省略“the”就不足為奇了。出現較多的是在“the more…the more…”這一句型中省略“the”和在多音節形容詞最高階前的“most”前省略“the”。英語序數詞除用於列舉時應與定冠詞連用,但漢語通常用“第……”的形式來表達,再加上對序數詞使用規則模糊,考生也傾向於在序數詞前不用“the”。例如:“***The*** more you read, the more you know.”,“***the*** most important of all is the pollution”,“drive the car ***the*** first time”等。
3. 再次提到前文提到過的人或事物時省略定冠詞
定冠詞的一種用法就是在表示前面的話裡或上文提到過的人或事物。但是有些考生在再次提到前文所提到的人或事物時不用定冠詞,例如:“There are many reasons of ***the*** shortage of fresh water”。語境中所指確定時應使用定冠詞,但在漢語中不必這樣。比如在“該校的大部分學生”中,在“學生”前漢語不需要有相應的功能詞來限定它,但英語卻不行,應說“most of the students on campus”。從這個例子我們可以看出漢語的影響是存在的。
1. 在序數詞和基數詞前多用了定冠詞
在分項列舉時序數詞不與“the”連用,基數詞通常也不用“the”修飾。但我們發現了許多在數詞前多用了冠詞的情況。例如:“***The*** first, with the development of…”,“For ***the*** 2000 of years, people take it from rain, snow…”考生過度概括了序數詞的用法規則,或記住了一般規則而沒記住例外情況。他們可能知道在序數詞前一般要用“the”,於是在基數詞前不加限制地過度使用而產生了偏差。
2. 在固定片語中多用了冠詞
此類現象發生的主要原因是對片語沒有完全掌握,也可能是受到了母語的影響。按漢語的思維方式,有些片語是不該出現冠詞的,但考生還是使用了冠詞。考生注意到英語中存在冠詞,而且名詞前一般要用冠詞,所以見到名詞在不能確定用不用冠詞時就乾脆用了冠詞。例如:“for an instance”,“Furthermore, the all sorts of pollution to fresh water make…”等。
3. 在泛指名詞、抽象名詞和有其他修飾語的名詞前多用了冠詞
“I usually talk about the Practice Makes Perfect with my classmates.”這可能與名詞的複雜性有關。考生也許分不清泛指名詞和特指名詞、抽象名詞和具體名詞,導致出現冠詞誤用的情況。
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