Brain twists
1. What will you break once you say it? 什麼東西一說出來就打破?
2. Will liars be honest after they die? 騙子死了之後會誠實嗎?
3. What always goes up and never goes down? 什麼東西只升不降?
4. Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? 男孩為什麼讓他的狗坐在陽光下?
5. Why can a bride hide nothing?為什麼新娘子什麼也藏不住?
6. Why is the library the highest building?為什麼圖書館是最高的建築物?
7. What is the smallest bridge in the world? 世界上最小的橋樑是什麼?
8. What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole? 北極與南極的區別是什麼?
9. What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? 淘氣的男孩為什麼想去鐘錶廠工作?
10. What bird lifts heavy things? 什麼鳥能舉起重物?
11. A ship can contain only fifty persons. Now there is alreadyforty-nine person in it. At this time,a pregnant woman comes on andboards the ship. The shipsinks. Why? 有一艘船隻能容納50人,現在已有49人。這時一位孕婦上了船,船就沉了。為什麼?
12. What's the poorest bank in the world? 世界的最貧窮的銀行是什麼?
13. What month do soldiers hate?軍人憎恨什麼月?
1. Silence. 沉默
2. No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。不會,他們依舊撒謊。Lie still 躺著不動,依舊撒謊。
3. Your age. 你的年齡
4. He wants to have a hot dog. 他想要一條熱狗。
5. Because someone will give her away. 因為有人會揭發她。Give away 揭發,在婚禮上把新娘交給新郎
6. It has the most stories. 它的樓層最多。Story 故事,樓層
7. The bridge of a nose. 鼻樑
8. A whole world. 整個世界。 a world of difference 天壤之別
9. They want to make faces. make face 做鬼臉,做鐘錶面
10. Crane. 鶴。Crane鶴,舉重機
11. Because is a pigboat. 那是潛水艇。pigboat,潛水艇
12.The river bank。河岸。
1 if you drop a white hat into the red sea, what does it become?
2 who earns a living by driving his customers away?
3 what starts with e, ends with e and only has one letter?
4 where do you find giant snails?
<1> wet
<2> taxi driver
<3> an envelope
<4> on the ends of their fingers
1. why are giraffes the cheapest to feed?為什麼養長頸鹿最不花錢?
2. why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?狗為什麼害怕日光浴?
3. why is the pig always eating?豬為什麼沒完沒了地吃?
4、why are politicians no longer concerned with snowball fights?政客們為什麼不再關注打雪仗了?
5、why don't women get bald as soon as men?為什麼總是男人比女人先禿頭?
6、what can pierce one's ears without a hole?什麼東西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔?
7. what's the longest word in the world?世界上最長的單詞是什麼?
8. why does time fly?時間為何飛逝?
9. where can a dog get another tail?狗去哪裡可以再弄到一條尾巴?
1. they make a little food go a long way.因為它們脖子長,一點點食物都要走很長的路才能嚥下去。
2. they don't want to be hot-dog.因為它們不想成為熱狗。
3. he's making a hog of himself.它想成為一隻肉豬。
4、the cold war is over.冷戰結束了。
5、because women wear hire longer.因為女人頭髮留得長。
7. smiles. because there's a mile between the letter 's'.微笑。因為兩個字母s中間隔了一里。
8. to get away from all those who are trying to kill it.為的是甩掉所有要謀殺它的人。
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