Laughter and fun can breathe new life into your romance and relationship. Let’s explore ways to bring more fun into your romance!
A couple that can laugh together will have a better chance of weathering the hard times. Laughter makes us all happier too. When you can laugh easily with your spouse life just seems better. Good things happen in your body when you laugh as well!
First off, it is essential that you have a date night with your significant other every week. Your relationship with this person needs to be handled with care and you both owe each other that time to nurture it.
Make it a rule that during that time you avoid talking about kids and work. This night is about the two of you and your relationship. You may not feel you have one outside of those two topics but you do. You got together for a reason and date night helps you remember and reinforce that reason.
Not sure what to talk about outside of work and kids? Start by reminiscing about the early days and years. Then as you continue to have date nights and bring more fun into your romance you will have more positive shared experiences between the two of you to draw on for conversation.
不知道除了工作和孩子外還能談什麼? 可以先從回憶早年的時光開始。然後隨著約會之夜逐漸增多,往你的愛情中注入的樂趣也越來越多,你們之間會有更多美好的共同經歷,這些經歷可以作為談話的內容。
Try to avoid conflict discussions as well. Use this time to nurture your relationship, not cause more tension. Address those topics at a separate time, but keep date night sacred.
Bring more fun into your romance this week with one of these ideas:
1. The basic dinner and a movie can be fun. Try a new restaurant and then go see a comedy or an interesting indie movie together.
吃頓晚餐、看場電影就很有趣。嘗試新飯店, 然後一起看場喜劇或有趣的獨立製作的電影。
2. Enjoy a weekend away together. Even if you don’t leave your city, a weekend away brings a fresh perspective and fun, new experiences weekend.
3. Attend a comedy show together.
4. Go ice skating in the winter.
5. Play charades. Have another couple over to make it even more fun. Once in awhile, a couples’ date night is a great way to shake things up in a good way.
6. Rent a tandem bicycle at your local park.
7. Dress up in silly costumes for an event. Not sure what type of event you would dress up for? Try one of these excuses:
Renaissance festival 文藝復興藝術節
To see an 80s band 去看80年代樂隊的演出
To take part in a murder mystery live action game 參加神祕謀殺案現場動作遊戲
Attend a costume ball 參加化裝舞會
8. Visit the spa together to get a couples’ massage or pedicure.
9. Find a local outdoor hot spring to enjoy. Some are even clothing optional after dark!
10. Laugh in the bedroom more find each others’ ticklish spots.
11. Cultivate inside jokes in your relationship. Come up with special names for each other or a 1 word reference to a humorous event that will make you both smile.
12. Do the date activities you wanted to as a kid or teen:
Attend a county fair 去趕集
Play paintball together 一起玩彩彈球
Play laser tag 一起玩鐳射束遊戲
Rent a paddle boat at a local lake 在當地的湖中租一艘划槳船
Go to an amusement park 去遊樂園玩
Have a water balloon or water gun fight 玩水球或水槍
Draw chalk pictures on the sidewalk 在人行道上用粉筆畫畫
Go roller skating 滑旱冰
13. Sing together. Karaoke at home anyone?
14. Surprise your significant other with some new lingerie.
15. Take up dancing together: ballroom, salsa, or country. Take your pick and get a free lesson at a local dance studio or bar.
16. Cook a themed dinner together.
17. Rent a convertible for the weekend and enjoy some beautiful scenic drives together.
18. Visit a local winery or wine shop for a free tasting.
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