Sometimes a disappointment can be the best thing that could happen to you. It is difficult when things don’t work out as you expected, and yet it can also be a source of new opportunity.
A cold, hard dose1 of reality, in the form of a disappointment, will make you feel pain at first. And then what happens is that you get stronger.
Disappointment brings you face to face with some of your most serious weaknesses. This provides you with the awareness and opportunity to grow stronger in ways that really count.
The experience of being ineffective3 often helps you to see new ways in which you can be more effective.duanwenw When you are clear about what doesn’t work, you are closer to understanding what does work.
There is positive value in every experience. That is especially true when it comes to disappointment. Look at disappointment as your chance to come back even stronger. Then pick yourself up and do precisely that.
選擇夢想Choose Your Dreams
Any choice you make is a turn that your life takes in one direction or another. Getting where you want to go is a matter of making each and every choice with that in mind.
Letting go of a negative habit happens by making one positive choice at a time. Creating a desired achievement comes about in the same way. Every choice matters, and every choice either changes or reaffirms1 a particular direction. That is what gives you great control over the way your life unfolds
.If it is the opportunity you seek, stop looking for it and start paying more attention to the choices you make. Every one of them is a real, practical and influential opportunity for you to move towards your most desired results.
At every minute, in any situation, you can continue bringing your most treasured dreams to life through the choices you make. As time moves forward, great and meaningful value arises from the choices that you have made in a consistent direction.
Make the choice, each chance you get, to choose your dreams.
You don’t have to wish for things to happen, because you can make things happen.
You don’t have to wonder whether something will work or not, because you can gather the resources, make efforts and find out for yourself.
There’s no need to live in fear of what life might bring. You can make your life unfold in the way you’d like to see it unfold. duanwenw There’s no reason to worry about limitations. You can act to work your way through whatever obstacles2 or challenges are present.
Of all the abilities you have, the most powerful ability is to use your abilities in a meaningful way. Not only can you make things happen, but you can also make things happen with purpose and intention.
Don’t worry or wonder. Don’t beg or steal. Don’t wish or regret. Don’t envy3 or wait. Use all that energy to make life happen in the way you know best right now.
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