



  The Job Responsibility of Safety, Environment and Fire Fighting are drawn up according to the requirements of national laws and with consideration of the principle of “He who is responsible for the work is responsible for safety” .It aims at enforcing safety, environmental protection and fire fighting management, eliminating severe work injury, decreasing injury at work, implementing Work Safety Responsibility and keeping work safety. The agreement has been approved by top management and will be signed between department heads and Arnold Magnetics ***Shenzhen*** Limited. Every departmental head must perform the following duties:

  1.對本部門的安全、環保、消防工作負全面責任。Be fully responsible for the safety, environment and fire fighting issue within department.


  Implement the company’s regulations on work safety, environmental protection and fire prevention, safety procedures and work instructions. Train employee to obey safety operational procedure and wear PPE properly. Follow the principles of “Do not injure others as well as himself and not being injured by others”.

  3.負責組織新工、復工、換工人員的車間安全、環保、消防教育,組織工人積極參加公司的各種安全生產的宣傳教育活動。Organize safety, environment and fire fighting training for the newcomer, the one who resumed work or the one who changed his position. Organize the workers to take part in the safety activities.

  4.堅持安全生產"五同時"***即在計劃、佈置、檢查、總結、評比生產/工作任務時,須同時計劃、佈置、檢查、總結、評比安全工作***,確保實現公司安全、環保目標指標,努力杜絕違章,防止工傷事故。Follow the principle of planning, assigning, check, summary and appraisal of production/work task together with safety requirements to ensure the achievement of EHS objectives and targets, prevent the violation of regulation and avoid the occurrence of work injury.


  Conduct regular safety inspection in workshop, implement the corrective actions for hidden risk and report safety information to top management in time.

  6.監督管轄區域內的消防器材的保管和使用,安排人員定期清潔。不堵塞消防器材或挪作他用。對已開封使用的滅火器或壓力不夠的滅火器應及時通知EHS部門處理。Monitor the stoage, usage and cleaning of the fire fighting device in workshop. Do not block the fire fighting device or use the fire fighting device for other purpose. Once anything abnormal for the device is found, inform EHS timely.

  7.對環境控制點和有害作業點嚴格管理,做好"三廢"的管理,尤其是危險廢物的管理,防止環境汙染;改善工人的勞動環境,防止職業病和急性中毒的發生。Manage the key control position of environment and hazardous operation strictly; especially enforce the management of dangerous waste to prevent environment pollution, improve work condition and prevent the occurrence of occupational disease or acute toxicosis.

  8.在防火區域動火作業前,必須按公司規定辦理動火審批手續並採取安全措施。Apply for Hot Work Permit before hot work operation in our company.

  9.在維修、保養裝置時,嚴禁使用揮發性強的易燃易爆物品***如汽油***擦拭裝置,存放的易燃易爆物品不得超量,並要有防火措施。It is prohibited to wipe the machine with highly flammable substance such as acetone, gasoline when maintenance. The value of flammable or explosive substance cannot be stored in excess and fire prevention measure must be available.

  10.必須保持生產現場通道的暢通,不準佔用各種安全間距、堵塞消防通道。Keep the aisle smooth. Do not occupy the safety clearance or block the aisle.


  Carry out The System of Correction of Hidden Risk. Take effective measure as per Corrective Notice for Hidden Hazard issued by EHS or local government.

  12.對管轄區域內的危險控制點、易燃易爆點、可燃物品存放點、動火作業點、環境控制點、有害作業點進行重點管理。Pay high attention to the following place: danger control position, flammable & explosive position, flammable substance storage area, hot work position and hazardous operation station.

  13.全面落實車間內各級人員的安全、環保、消防責任,責任明確到人。Clearly define the responsibility of safety, environment protection and fire fighting for every level in workshop.

  14.對本部門的義務消防隊進行管理,並積極參加各種培訓。Manage internal fire fighters in his department and encourage them to take part in the training.


  Attend work safety meeting and preside the safety meeting within department. Assign work on safety, environment protection and fire fighting.

  16.出現工傷、火災事故時,採取應急措施並向公司高層管理報告。Take emergent action in case of work injury or fire accident and report it to top management in time.

  17.參加事故的調查分析,提供事故的真實情況,按"四不放過"的原則處理事故***"四不放過"即事故原因不清不放過,事故責任者和群眾沒有受到教育不放過,沒有制訂出防範措施不放過,事故責任者沒有受到處理不放過***。Participate in the investigation of accident, provide true information about accident and treat the accident as per the principles: the treatment of accident will not be over unless the cause of the accident is clarified, the persons responsible for the accident and other employees are given lesson and educated, preventive actions are taken and the persons who are responsible for the accident are treated as related regulations.

  安全責任人簽名Signature of department head:



  一、 各單位行政主要負責人是本單位安全生產工作第一責任人,對本單位及所屬各部門的安全生產***包括交通安全***工作負全面領導責任。

  二、 貫徹執行黨和政府關於安全生產的方針、政策,並按法律、法規規定的職責和安全生產責任制的要求,進行監督與管理,防止和減少生產安全事故,保障人民群眾生命財產安全,保護從業人員正當的合法權益。


  四、 將本單位的安全生產工作,按照責任制要求逐層分解,落實到各有關部門和員工,並定期檢查,監督安全生產責任制的落實情況,把各類事故隱患消滅在萌芽狀態。

















  為貫徹“安全第一、預防為主”的安全生產方針,落實生產經營單位行政領導負責安全管理的第一責任人,制定落實,誰主管、誰負責的原則,強化安全管理確實保障勞動者在生產過程中的安全和健康,預防和減少各類事故的發生,使組織者指揮者管理者和直接參與生產勞動者,始終把安全生產放在首位,保證308專案部200 年安全生產目標的順利實現,為明確責任,308專案部施工現場責任人和安全生產班組、直接參與勞動者,簽定如下安全生產責任書:

  一、 安全生產責任期限:

  從200 年3月1日起至200 年12月31日止

  二、 安全管理目標:

  1、 因工死亡事故指標為零。

  2、 因工重傷指標為零。

  3、 火災機電裝置的經濟控制在千元以下杜絕千元以上機電裝置事故和各類


  4、 杜絕我方50%以上責任的交通事故。

  5、 治理作業現場環境和勞動條件基本達到國家職業安全衛生標準。

  6、 採取各項措施、堅決預防和減少各類事故的發生。

  7、 保證308專案部安全生產的各項指標達到總公司200 年安全生產工作安


  三、 安全生產獎罰辦法:

  1、200 年3月1日至200 年12月31日在308專案部參加施工的班組和



  有效期至200 年3月1日至12月31日



  水利分公司308專案部 200 年3月1日
