從古到今,笑話是人們生活中不可缺少的 調劑品 ,它使人們在刻板的生活中感到一絲快意和放鬆。下面是小編帶來的超級爆笑的英語笑話,歡迎閱讀!
And Modest, Too 也要謙虛為懷
“The man I marry must be as wise as Solomon, as mighty as Hercules, as brave as Admiral Nelson, and as graceful as Nureyev.”
“How fortunate we met!”
It’s the Law 這是個法律問題
A slender, delicate, immaculately dressed Englishman was explaining to the visiting American about British law.
“You know, homosexuality was once considered so heinous in Britain that it was punishable by execution. Only 100 years ago, it was reduced to a misdemeanor, and about 50 years ago, decriminalized altogether... Personally, I shan’t be satisfied till it’s mandatory!”
“你知道嗎?在英國,同性戀從前被認為是罪大惡極,可判處極刑 一百年前,被減為行為失檢之輕微罪刑。大約五十年前則完全不觸犯刑法 。不過就我個人而言,非要等到法令強制大家都得同性戀時,我才會開心。”
No Worries 免驚啦!
At the swimming pool one day, a child asked his mother, “Mommy, Mommy, can I swimming?”
“Certainly not, darling. The water’s much too deep.”
“But Daddy’s swimming, Mommy.”
“Your daddy’s insured, sweetheart.”
aw, how sweet! 喔,真是恩愛的一對!
two women friends were having tea. said one to the other, “i’ve been trying to reach my lawyer for a week...”
“oh, please don’t mention lawyers to me,” interrupted the recent widow. “i’ve had so much trouble settling my husband’s estate that i sometimes wish he hadn’t died!”
Wait till Next Year 等明年再說
The woman was reading the newspaper as she and her husband were eating breakfast.
“Did you hear about this, dear?” she asked. “It seems a man traded his wife for season tickets to the Spurs. You wouldn’t do a thing like that, would you, sweetheart?”
“No way,” answered the husband. “The season’s almost half over.”
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