


  When Peters learned that he was being fired, he went to see the head of human resources. “Since I've been with the firm for so long,” he said, “I think I deserve at least a letter of recommendation.”

  The human resources director agreed and said he'd have the letter the next day. The following morning, Peters found a letter on his desk. It read, “Jonathan Peters worked for our company for 11 years. When

  he left us, we were very satisfied.”


  人力資源部主任同意了,並說他第二天就可拿到該信。第二天早上,彼得斯在他的桌子上看  一封信,上面寫道:“喬納森?彼得斯在我們公司幹了11年。當他離去的時候,我們很滿意。”


  In secondary school, I was always self-conscious about my height.

  Once I was asked out by a life-guard. I had never really stood next to him and didn't know how tall he was, so the night of the date I took out two pairs of shoes-one with heels, one flat. I arranged with my brother to answer the door, compare his height with my date's and run upstairs to let me know which shoes to wear.

  When doorbell rang I waited. Then my brother showed up and told me what I didn't want to hear: “Go barefoot.”





  Larry and Harry drove 500 miles to go fishing. They paid a huge sum to rent a cabin, a similar about to rent a boat. They fished for three days and caught only one fish between them.

  On the way home, Harry fiddled with a calculator while Larry drove. After an hour, Harry said, “Do you realize that this one fish we caught cost us almost $2,000?”

  “Wow!” Larry said, “It's a good thing we didn't catch any more.”


