閃婚About lightning Marriage
In Chinese old days, people’s marriage were decided by their parents, so most couples haven’t met before they got married, as the development of the society, people ask for their freedom and rights to choose their lovers. So today, people can choose their own lovers at their wills, but the divorce rate is increasing every year. More and more young couples get married very quickly, they believe in strong feelings and want to be together forever, as the time goes by, their conflicts can’t reconcile, so they have to end their marriage. In my opinion, marriage is not a joke, people need to get to know each other well before they marry. Lightning marriage is not a good choice, because it needs time to get to know others, to see whether the two people are suitable to live together. They should think twice before act.
善待壞學生 Be Kind to the Bad Students
In every class, there will be some bad students, they are very active and annoy other students. The bad students don’t want to study, they will interfere other students to listen to the class, which also bothers the teachers. Bad students are not welcomed everywhere, so students will stay away from them, some teachers even give up on them. But some day, when I went home after school, I found a bad student who was in my class carry a cat, he handed the cat to a woman, the woman said thank you to him for help her find the cat. I was surprised, I saw the good side of a bad student. I think I need to be nice to the bad students, they are not that bad, maybe they just want to attract other people’s attention. If we give them more chances, they will be good students.
百老匯 Broadway
When talking about America, the first thing we think about may be the Hollywood, because people love to see the American films so much. Actually, the Broadway is also famous around the world. It is located in New York city and it is a long street. There are many theaters in both sides of the street. It is such a lively zone, the commercial ads can be seen everywhere. I have seen the musical show Cat from the computer, it is so wonderful. The song Memory impresses me so much, the actress played so well and she sung so wonderful. I know many Hollywood stars at first were Broadway actors. All of them have the excellent skills, which makes them get famous naturally. As the saying that a minute on the stage bases on ten years’ hard work. Broadway actors work so hard to perform well.
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