One day at school is supposed to be colorful, but sometimes it is a day of trouble.
The first thing you do in the morning is read a book, read the text again and again, and increase your knowledge. The next step is to spend time in a boring and vivid math class. Worse, run after math class! On the playground, there's a lot of "shoop, shoop". Two relaxed music is not easy to finish, the classmates have already run two circles, at least more than half of the students have back pain, and they are bitter. When you came into the classroom, and after a little rest, the homework was coming. At the beginning of the second class of "ding bell bell", the nervous brain will run two classes.
At noon, the students filled their stomachs and continued to wrestle in the homework pile. At this moment, our majesty of teaching the teacher standing on the podium again, going on to our knowledge in the brain, all of them are almost "sleepy" feeling. Suddenly the first class bell rang in the afternoon, and all of us rushed into the classroom with almost numbness in our heads.
Every day, our lives are colorful. Perhaps, we talk to our loved ones at home; Maybe we listen to our teachers in school. Perhaps we walk in the country and enjoy the countryside. Perhaps, we play on campus and linger among the places of interest. Maybe......
My day is colorful, meaningful and joyful.
Last Sunday, my father, my aunt, my aunt, my little aunt, my younger sister, my brother, uncle and so on, went to goose hill park for birthday wine.
There, there are countless Numbers of flowers. It is a sea of flowers. Some are in bud, others are open, like a beauty pageant.
Look at the gardenia in the distance, bright and bright. Like a supreme princess, wearing a red mink coat, in the rain and it against the background of large green carpet appears no infringement, impeccably, have no faults at all. And look at the tree in the face of the tree, like a prince, who is protecting its beautiful princess, and moving freely in the thorny grass.
Opposite the ornamental flowers are singing a happy birthday song. Just as I was listening to the fans, the pouring rain roared and gave the world a complete baptism.
Today I and Wang Yanbing than running race, Chen Jialu said ":" we ran forward a whoosh, I run in the first, he was angry, he want to and I dear John, I'm not happy, from now on, we who also ignore who, until the day we didn't be reconciled, but we all want to and an apology, didn't not bashful, I returned home, I am very ashamed, I asked dad if a people make a mistake, should apologize? Dad said, "I should. I say: why. The father said: "because you made a mistake, you are afraid to admit the wrong child to others, and you will be punished sooner or later." I said: oh, I see. The next day I went to school and I apologized to wang yanbing and we became the best friends ever. Then I remembered that friendship first, competition second. Is my day funny? Hehe hehehe...
One day, just twenty-four hours, not long, but it contains all of my life. In one day, there is happiness, sadness, laughter, tears, and sweet and sour.
The breeze of the morning:
When I was immersed in a sweet dream, "di di di di di di" alarm ruthlessly pull me from sleep, suddenly I sat up, my head suddenly feel very dark. Reluctantly bored doing had been done, wear clothes, fold the quilt, wash my face, comb my hair, my eyes like with a lead, heavy to my eyesight whiting, I almost is squinting completed these actions. When I got closer to the sofa, my body fell down, because I had only one belief -- sleep. But it wasn't long before I knew it was time to read, and I began to creep up. "Little yellow-bird, you know, the vast prairie is so beautiful," I had to use singing to keep my sleep.
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