Everyone has their own dream, the dream of every individual are great, happy, far away. Dreams of making each individual to strive for their goals, to strive, to struggle, to open up. My dream is a long Great later, when a a journalist; a newspaperman. Was a child, I saw uniformed a journalist; a newspaperman, I feel a special air, on television saw the police risk their lives to rescue and save people when I told them more of a cult. They disregard their own safety, to maintain the social peace. When someone asked if I want to do when you grow up, I am proud to say: "When the a journalist; a newspaperman." But I understand that when a a journalist; a newspaperman officer is not an easy thing to do, the light still does not work like the. The key is to learn cultural knowledge, and actively exercise good health, so be possible to achieve my dream. I put my dream in mind and study hard. Strive to make my dreams come true as soon as possible.
My Dream Job
Everyone has their dream jobs, so have I.As my family and friends know, I am good at writing and have excellent eloquence,so my dream job, first, is becoming a reporter. I want to write articles for newspapers and magazines.And then, after graduation from high school, I desire to study in Beijing and get good result. After last, what I want to do is working in a TV Station.
my dream jabWhen I was a kid, I wanted to be a journalist, I want to go to Beijing after graduating from high school to college, and I will write articles to newspapers and magazines ,i Want to work in a radio station and travel all over the world.I'll work hard, I wish my dream.
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