


  The decision suggested that he might bring his family. 這個決定表明他可以把家屬帶來.

  The expression on his face suggested that he was very angry. 他臉上的表情表明他很生氣.


  The simple house suggested a modest income. 這座簡樸的房子表明***房主的***收入並不高.

  Her pale face suggested bad health. 她臉色蒼白,看來身體不好.

  The thought of summer suggests swimming. 一想到夏天就使人們聯想到游泳.


  1. 表示“表達”“表示”等,通常不接雙賓語。如:


  誤:He expressed her his thanks.

  正:He expressed his thanks to her.

  類似的:introduce explain say mention report suggest describe announce ensure telephone represent***陳述***

  He expressed to us what he had been thinking of his new techer.

  2. 有時可接反身代詞作賓語,其意為表達自己的意思、思想、感情等。如:

  Have I expressed myself clearly? 我的意思講清了嗎?

  He is still unable to express himelf in English. 他還不能用英語表達自己的意思。

  類似的常見及物動詞有:seat dress enjoy station devote make teach locate amuse behave call hide etc.

  3. 其後一般不接 that-從句,但可接疑問詞引導的從句。如:

  I can’t express ***to you*** how grateful I am for your help. 你對我的幫助,我感激不盡。


  誤:He expressed that he was satisfied with our work.

  正:He said that he was satisfied with our work.

  正:He expressed himself ***as*** satisfied with our work.


  ***1*** 用作形容詞,表示運送或傳遞等迅速的或快捷的等。如:an express train***快車***,an express letter***快信***

  ***2*** 用作副詞,表示用快郵寄送或乘快車等。如:

  The parcel was sent express. 這包裹是用快郵寄的。

  He likes to travel express. 他喜歡乘快車旅行。

  ***3*** 用作名詞,表示快車或快郵等。如:

  He came by the midnight express. 他乘午夜的快車來的。

  The letter was sent by express. 這信是用快件郵寄的。