1、why do you want to study in America?
2、What is your purpose for the Visa?
3、Why do you want to go to America for further study?
4、When will you enter USA?
1、why did you choose this school?
2、How do you know about this school?
3、Why is it the best school for you?
4、What is your plan major?
1、what are your test scores ***GRE,GMAT,SAT,TOEFL,IELTS***?
2、What is your academic background?
3、What is your GPA and your overall performance as a student in the past?
4、Do you have any work experience?
1、how are you funding the entire duration of your expenses in America?
2、Who will be your sponsor?
3、Do you have received any scholarship from this school?
4、Do you have a bank statement?
1、After your graduate, will you return home or will you stay in the United States?
2、What is your dream job?
3、Do you have any relative in the United States?
4、What is the plan after graduation.
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