團購的好處The Advantages of Group Purchase
Nowadays, people like to go shopping online, we can buy whatever we want. Shopping online has been a big market, people not only save time, but also save money. If we want to buy something, we just type the name, click on the computer, then the thing you want is in front of you, there will be many choices, the shops are showed up, the different shop has different price, we can choose the product with the suitable price. Group shopping provides the product with low price, the reason why the price is so low in that the amount of the product is large. With the large, the manufacturers still earn big money. Group shopping is a good way of shopping.
網上交友的風險The Danger of Making Friends Online
As the development of high technology, people count on the computer so much, some people even stay at home all the time and use the computer to order the thing to support their lives. Making friends online is a fast and easy way for people to know others, they can chat whatever they want and don’t have to make time to know each other. But such way of making friends is dangerous, people may be cheated. We can see the news that people were cheated by the online friends and lost a lot of money, even their lives. Internet is a big world, there is no way for people to know what kind of person the other people are, so don’t count on the Internet so much.
我的兼職工作My Part-time Job
Since the summer holiday comes, I have a lot of free time, as I stay at home all the time, my mother suggests me to take a part-time job, I am so willing to accept her idea, because I want to earn money by myself. I find a job as waiter, I have to work early in the morning, people need to have their breakfast, I serve them. On the job, I earn little money, but I have worked so hard, I get to know it is not easy to earn money, so I start to feel grateful for my parents. Now I won’t waste money, before I pay for the bill, I need to measure them.
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