打字代替寫字?Typing Replaces Writing?
As the development of high technology, the function of high-tech products improves greatly. People can type the text through the cellphone and they can write down whatever they want with computer. It seems that typing the information is so fast and convenient, so most young people don’t pay attention to write the words by their hands. When they learn to write the Chinese, their hand-writing is really bad. Though computer is popular, we need to practice our hand-writing. The one who writes the good words will impress the other person. As the saying that writing is the reflection of a person’s character, so we should not abandon our tradition.
公共道德的缺失The Lack of Public Morals
Nowadays, when we are in the public place, we can see the rubbish everywhere, people throw away the rubbish, what’s more, some people still jump the lines, all these behaviors are against the public morals. The public morals are advocated all the time, since we are small, we are educated to behave well in the public, but we still can see some people’s bad behavior in the public. The lack of public morals reflects a person’s bad personality, they will be condemned by others. No matter where we are, we need to behavior ourselves, we should not litter, jump the line or disturb others in the silent place. We need to self-controlled.
沉重的作業The Heavy Homework
Many years ago, when students went home after school, they had less time to play, because the teachers gave them a lot of homework. I remembered at that time, my sister worked so hard to finish the homework, she wrote it quickly when she arrived home. After supper, she continued to finish her homework. I felt she worked too hard, she deserved to have some time to play, but she didn’t. Not long after that time, the government had made some reform, the students don’t have to burden so much homework, they can have time to play. Now students can enjoy playing games with friends after school, I think play and study should be contained.
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