“Hurry up Meg. We are going to be late.” Tom loaded the bags into the taxi as Meg checked to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. She grabbed her purse and locked the door as the taxi honked outside.
Tom and Meg were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary by taking a cruise around the world. The taxi dropped them off at the harbor in front of the Alaskan Princess. “This is it,” said Tom. “Our home away from home for the next year.”
Meg looked up at the beautiful ship. She couldn't believe they were going to travel to Europe, Asia, Australia and home again. She had always wanted to see the world. Now they were doing it in style.
Tom waved as the ship set sail. Their first stop was Europe. He had always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower, the city of London and the cafe-lined streets of Venice.
That evening Meg and Tom got dressed up and had a romantic dinner overlooking the ocean. “Here is to fifty wonderful years,”toasted Tom. “And to another year of travel and adventure.”
Tired and frustrated of working as a waitress, Mary decided to take a road trip. She loaded up her VW van and headed south. She didn’t know where she was going. She was just going to go until her money ran out.
瑪麗是一名女侍,因為工作上帶來的疲累和挫敗,她決定開車旅行。她把要帶的東西裝進她那臺VW 貨車上,然後往南開。她不知道自己要去哪裡,目的只是想旅行到錢花光為止。
On her way out of town, she stopped at a corner store to pick up some road maps, chocolate, and dried dog food for her dog. One day in a restaurant, a strange-looking man approached Mary. He seemed familiar, but she didn’t know from where.
He invited her to sit at his table. “I have a message for you,” he said. He handed Mary an envelope. She took the envelope. Inside was a note. It read, “You already have everything you are searching for. Go home.”
Mary was confused by the letter, but had an idea about what it meant. Mary always got in her van and ran away when life was tough. She was always searching for a better place, and of course never found it. That same day, Mary turned around and went home. He was right; she already had everything she was searching for.
Dan's Dolphin Diving offered the best dolphin-spotting tours in all of Hawaii. That's what the ad in the local newspaper said. Michelle called Dan's and booked a trip for two for the following day. Michelle and John were on their honeymoon and they were looking for a little adventure while they stayed in Maui. What could be better than swimming with dolphins?
Dan helped Michelle with her wetsuit, and then helped her into the water. John followed suit. It wasn't long before they saw two dolphins. They were playing. From the boat, Dan threw out some fish and the dolphins came closer.
Michelle reached out her hand and gently touched the fin of one of the dolphins. It was soft and slippery. It felt a little like velvet. John took a picture with his underwater camera. The two dolphins squawked at each other. They weretalking, Michelle thought to herself.
She watched them swim around the boat. They were as graceful as dancers. Michelle wanted to swim away with them. But Dan's tours only lasted four hours. It was time to go. Michelle thanked the dolphins for making her honeymoon special.
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