Living with someone of the opposite sex 和異性一起生活
Katya: Hello, I'm Katya from Bulgaria.
Ayumi: I'm Ayumi from Brazil.
Katya: And today's question is have you ever lived with somebody from the opposite sex? Yes, I've always had various room mates and there is always a boy room mate or two girls and one boy. It's always different and it always changes. There is always new people coming in my house for some reason and I actually really like living with boys because they really help you a lot. There are some times when you need someone to carry your groceries or you need somebody to repair something in the house. Plus they don't interfere in your personal life or they don't scold you if you haven't cleaned something right on time.
Ayumi: Same here. Actually all my room mates have been boys. I've never felt uncomfortable. We are like friends, we are like family so we don't have these gender barriers saying you are a boy so you don't do this, you are a girl you don't do that. The same case, they take trash for me or they carry my stuff. They are really kind and I really like them because they are like brothers rather than like strangers.
Katya: Also men are really good cooks.
Ayumi: Yeah.
Katya: Right? That's why the best chefs in the world are guys.
Ayumi: Maybe.
How did you learn English? 如何學習英語
Ayumi: Hello, I'm Ayumi from Brazil.
Katya: And I'm Katya from Bulgaria.
Ayumi: Today's question is is it easier to be friends with men or women? How is it for you Katya?
Katya: I don't know. I think it's both. I can't decide which one is easier because I think sometimes I need my girlfriends to go drink coffee with them and sometimes I need the boys to talk about computers or some game or something or I would need advice from a guy. The same comes with my father and my mother. I think it's the same with my guy friends, I don't ask stuff that I would normally ask my father for and it's the same with my mom. I'm very friendly with guys because I have a brother, a big brother, so I'm very used to being around boys. But at the same time I do need my girlfriends. What about you?
Ayumi: I usually like judge people by their personality rather than sex. So I cannot say which one is easier. I think if you really get along with people well.
Katya: It doesn't really matter.
Ayumi: It doesn't really matter but I like guy friends in particular, for example, going to drinks or dancing together, this kind of thing. It's really fun to go with. With the girls, different kind of stuff, for example shopping, drinking coffee.
Katya: Talking about boys.
Ayumi: Yeah. So they have different kind of...
Katya: It depends on the situation I think.
Who do you argue with often? 經常和誰爭吵
Katya: Hello, I'm Katya from Bulgaria.
Ayumi: I'm Ayumi from Brazil.
Katya: And the question is who do you argue with often? Who do you argue with often, Ayumi?
Ayumi: My mother.
Katya: Me too.
Ayumi: My mother, somehow like female family members, I don't know if they have so much expectation on you or because we are from the same sex, we have the same kind of things going on.
Katya: You always argue right?
Ayumi: Yeah.
Katya: I always argue with my mother and my father doesn't pay attention to us any more because he knows that's just the way we talk. When my brother comes back and why are you arguing and my father is always that's the way they communicate.
Ayumi: It's very small stuff. When I cook, my mom kind of complains. When I clean, my mom says it's not enough. Really small stuff, really unimportant things.
Katya: I think women often argue when there are two women in the house. I think it's very normal, natural to happen. I generally don't like to argue with people because I get very sensitive and sometimes I cry. So I usually avoid.
Ayumi: It's really bad when it happens.
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