How do you stay in shape? 保持身材的方法
Doron: Hello everyone, I'm Doron from England.
Pernais: And I'm Pernais from Jamaica.
Doron: Pernais, how do you stay in shape?
Pernais: Well I actually exercise every morning but only for ten minutes because that's all the time I have so I like to do Pilates. How about you?
Doron: I don't even know what Pilates is. I like running, I'm a runner. I like to do sports especially playing football and basketball but I don't really have time these days and it's tough to find a team near me so I jog. I started jogging around a year ago and I was really encouraged by the little Nike gadget that goes in your shoe and in your iPod which tells you how far and how fast you are running. So I set myself goals to beat my goal every time I run every month.
Pernais: Sounds like fun.
Doron: I could go jogging now.
Pernais: Let's go.
When is the best time to marry? 最佳結婚年齡
Hanna: Hi, I'm Hanna from Australia.
Diego: And I'm Diego from Mexico.
Hanna: And today we're asking the question when is the best time to marry? What do you think Diego?
Diego: I don't know. The question gives me the chills. I have no idea when I'm going to get married so I honestly have no clue. But in Mexico at least, people tend to get married before they are thirty and after they are twenty five so maybe twenty seven, twenty eight would be the average today.
Hanna: Oh really, that's quite early.
Diego: Really.
Hanna: In Australia people tend to get married quite late especially childbirth. Most people don't have their first child until around thirty five or forty.
Diego: Wow, that's really late for Mexicans.
Hanna: I'm not sure about marriage but I think if you're going to have children you should get married earlier because once you get a bit older biologically you're not really able to have children as well and you're not as fit as you used to be. So probably the same as you maybe twenty five or thirty.
Diego: Maybe. Yeah, I think so. I think that's the best age to get married.
Hanna: Yeah.
Should healthcare be free? 醫保應該免費嗎?
JM: Hi, my name is JM and I'm from the Philippines.
Phuong: And Phuong from Vietnam.
JM: OK and today's question is healthcare. Should healthcare be free? What do you think?
Phuong: I don't think that healthcare should be free because I think nothing is really like no free lunch for people so if you get healthcare free, so you have to pay insurance, higher insurance and also you have to pay higher tax so that is the problem. I think healthcare should not be free. How about you?
JM: Yep. Well I think that healthcare should be free. It's simply because I think being able to live with good health is a right that everybody should have whether you are poor or rich, I think everybody has the right to live a good life and that's why I think healthcare should be free.
Phuong: Yes, good reason. OK. Thank you.
JM: Bye for now.
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