I had fallen and dislocated my elbow, which made writing checks for my small business nearly impossible. I called my bank to explain that the signature on my checks would look odd due to my accident, and would they please horror them anyway.
"Okay," said the woman on the phone, "but you' 11 have to write a letter to the bank telling them that you are requesting this. "
Do not burn you house to get rid of a mouse
there is a story in "Hanshu" telling of a rich man, who being a lover of s and hada large collection.Among them was a rare vase made of jade. The vase of exquisiteworkmanship and of historical value and he loved it dearly. One night he noticed amouse passing near the precious vase. The mouse jumped into the vase and wastrying to eat some food which the man had carelessly left there. The sighinfuriated the man and in a fit of rage he threw a stone at the mouse. For sure,the mouse was killed, but the precious vase was broken also. The loss of the vase pained the man GREatly and he deeply regretted his own thoughtlessness, which bought him this unrecoverable loss. He now realized that any one, who cares forthe present and overlooks consequences is apt to bring disasters upon himself. Sohe exclaimed to warn people by saying do not burn you house to get rid of a mouse.
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