Once upon a time, there was an old man who lived with his son on the borders of the country. They both very much enjoyed riding horses. One day, a servant reported to the old man, “One of our good horses has gone missing. It seems the horse ran across to the neighboring country.”
Old man’s friends came and comforted him. However, the old man said: “Well, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Who knows!”
Couple of months later, a strange thing happened. The missing horse came back, accompanied by a great steed from the neighboring country. When his friends congratulated him on this great news, the old man said: “Well, this might bring us bad luck.”
One day, his son was having fun riding on the fine [new] steed. Suddenly, he fell from the hose and broke his leg. His son was never able to walk again. Again, his friends came to comfort the old man. But the old man was not bothered and said: “This accident might bring us good luck in the future.”
A year later, all young men in the country were drafted to join a war. Most young men who fought died on the battlefield. Luckily, his son avoided entering the war because of his broken leg.
The fine-furniture store where I work has been in business since the 1920s. Recently I received a call from a woman who wanted to replace some chairs from a dining set purchased from us in the 1930s. I assured her we could help and sought the assistance of the office manager. "You'll never believe this one, " I told him." I just got a call from a customer who bought some chairs from us in the 1930s. " Before I could finish repeating her request, he interrupted and said, "Don't tell me she hasn't received them yet!"
我所工作的精品傢俱商店是從20世紀二十年代以來就營業的。最近我接到一個婦女的電話。她想換一套餐具中的一些椅子。這套餐具她是在三十年代從我們這兒買的。我向她保證說我們可以幫她的忙,於是我向部門經理尋求幫助。“你永遠也不會相信,”我對他說,“我剛接到一個顧客的電話,她在三十年代從我們這裡買了一些椅子。” 我還沒來得及說她的要求,經理就打斷了我的話:“你別告訴我她到現在還沒收到貨!”
purchased v. purchase的過去式及過去分詞形式;購買
assistance n. 幫助
told v. tell的過去式和過去分詞形式;告訴
customer 顧客、傢伙
interrupted v. interrupt的過去式和過去分詞;打斷
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