



  I shouldn't have done it. *用“shouldn't have+過去分詞”表示類似責備或斥責的心情,“不該……”、“要是沒……”。

  Oh, no! I shouldn't have done it. ***哦,不!我要是不那樣就好了。***

  What did you do? ***你幹什麼了?***

  That was a mistake. ***那是一個錯誤。***

  I blew it. ***我失敗了。***

  I wish I hadn't done that.

  I really screwed up this time. ***這次我真的給弄糟了。***

  I really messed up. ***我給搞糟了。***

  I should have known better. ***我早該弄清楚一些。***


  I shouldn't have said that. *用於說了不該說的話時。

  I shouldn't have said that. ***我要是不說那話就好了。***

  It's too late now. ***現在後悔也晚了。***

  I wish I wouldn't have said that.


  I should have known.

  He's married. ***他已經結婚了。***

  I should have known. ***我早該知道了。***

  I acted like a fool.

  I should have known better. ***我早該弄清楚了。***


  It was careless of me to do so. *careless 表示“沒注意的”、“漫不經心的”、“粗心大意的”。

  It was thoughtless of me to do such a thing.

  It was hasty of me to do so.

  I was careless. ***我太粗心大意了。***


  I regret doing that.

  I regret doing that. ***我後悔我做的事。***

  I know what you mean. ***我明白你的意思。***

  I regret my action***s***.

  I repent my action***s***.

  I am sorry for what I have done.


  I had no choice.

  Why did you drive my car? ***你為什麼開我的車?***

  I had no choice. ***我別無他法。***

  I couldn't help it.

  I had no other choice.

  I had no choice in the matter.

  There was nothing else I couldn't have done.

  It was my only choice.


  I went too far. *比較常用的固定短語。

  You shouldn't have done that. ***你不該那樣做。***

  I know, I went too far. ***我知道,我做得太過分了。***

  I overdid it.


  I was too nervous. *也可用來辯解。

  Did you ask her out? ***你約她了嗎?***

  No, I was too nervous. ***沒有,我太緊張了。***

  I was too uptight.


  I wish I had studied harder.

  I regret not studying harder. ***我後悔沒有更努力學習。***

  I should have studied harder.


  I should have asked him.

  I should have asked him. ***我要是問他一下就好了。***

  Why didn't you? ***那你為什麼不問呢?***

  I wish I had asked him.

  It would have been better to have asked him.


  It slipped my mind.

  Did you remember to tell her? ***你沒忘了告訴她吧?***

  Sorry, it slipped my mind. ***對不起,我不小心給忘了。***

  I just forgot.

  I forgot all about it. ***我忘得一乾二淨。***