

  1:The power of love

  As an example of the power of love, we should remember how the Chinese people of all nationalities respond to the call to help the victims of natural disasters every year. Although their incomes are still low by international standards, people all over the country do not hesitate to donate whatever they can ― be it money or goods ― to help their needy fellow citizens. Moreover, they do this with no thought of gain for themselves..

  In my opinion, the best way to show love is to help people who are more unfortunate than we are..zwen8 We should always be ready to give a helping hand to those who are in trouble, no matter whether they are family members or complete strangers. In this way, we can help to make the world a better place, for the darker the shadows of sorrow become, the more brightly the lamp of love shines.





  Athletics 田徑

  race 跑

  middle-distance race 中長跑

  long-distance runner 長跑運動員

  sprint 短跑 ***美作:dash***

  the 400 metre hurdles 400米欄

  marathon 馬拉松

  decathlon 十項全能

  cross-country race 越野跑

  jump 跳躍

  jumping 跳躍運動

  high jump 跳高

  long jump 跳遠 ***美語:broad jump***

  triple jump, hop step and jump 三級跳

  pole vault 撐竿跳

  throw 投擲

  throwing 投擲運動

  putting the shot, shot put 推鉛球

  throwing the discus 擲鐵餅

  throwing the hammer 擲鏈錘

  throwing the javelin 擲標槍

  walk 競走
