On August 1 this summer, my family and I traveled to lianyunshan mountain in lianyungang. We sat on the cable car to reach the top of the hill, looking down from the top of the mountain, huaguo mountain is very beautiful, there are green grass, tall trees, colorful flowers, also saw the Kowloon bridge, the beauty of the lake. From the top of the hill, we walked over the Kowloon bridge, taking pictures with the little monkey, and I shook hands with the monkey, and it was so funny! We also went to the waterfall cave, waterfall cave mouth like a waterfall, we jumped into the waterfall cave, there is no sunshine but with colored lights, waterfall cave is very beautiful, the hole in the road is very wet, winding, as in a maze.
We went to the seaside in the afternoon. A blue sea looks boundless, the seagulls fly over the sea. We are fun to play with our feet on the beach and pick up seashells.
今年暑假的8月1日,我和家人去連雲港的花果山旅遊。我們坐上電纜車到達山頂,從山頂往下看,花果山非常漂亮,有綠綠的草、高高的大樹、五顏六色的花朵,還看到了九龍橋、美麗的湖。從山頂上下來,我們走在九龍橋上,跟小猴拍照,我還和小猴握手了呢,太有趣了 ! 我們還去了水簾洞,水簾洞口像瀑布,我們跳進了水簾洞,水簾洞裡沒有陽光但是有彩色的燈光,非常漂亮,洞里路面很溼,彎彎曲曲,像在走迷宮。
I was looking forward to the arrival of the summer vacation.
The unexpected summer vacation is a happy and carefree summer. But everything was unexpected. The summer vacation was dull and lifeless. Well, it's not a vacation yet, and it's a "drowned chicken". Thought after the holiday, can enjoy the relaxation, adjustment to adjust the mood, but shortly in the idea, make up a missed lesson this vacation "bad news" is coming, I like was beaten by the frost of eggplant, seems all idea suddenly ran to the cloud nine.
After a few days at school, I don't know why. It makes me happy to be like a basket case. But it didn't take long for my parents to look at the dragon and see the girl, so they sent me to charge. This can take my breath away. I this person, the time that should study is absolutely not careless, should not learn the time even the yan wang Lao tze to take me also have no way, this is the world "no one not know". I did not know who this summer vacation belonged to.
During lessons, I unwilling I spent my summer vacation like this in other people's control, so we want to play with a ball, stimulate the point, so learn the others fled a lesson. Kingdom this escape, she will push me into the "fire", who is tipped them off to the teacher, I was left a "hint", to "critical" to find a teacher! Every day since then I have been hiding and living in fear. The lesson came to an end, and my heart calmed down.
I remember my good friend, xiao pang, riding a bike in my yard at noon on a summer vacation. Gradually, many children came out to play in the courtyard. Many people rode bicycles. In a few moments we formed a team of bicycles, along the path of the yard.
At some point, my friend xiao pang started to speed up the bike, too fast. It's easy to fall for that fast bike ride. Was not what I expected, in the corner, small fat bike fell and fell heavily to the ground, people go abroad to study network bike was pressure on him, he couldn't climb up, hand still bleeding. Small fat really fell and hurt, cry loudly, and cycling boy cycling ran out of the shadow, afraid to let them responsible for this, I hurriedly stop the bike, run to the front of the small fat wrestling, put pressure on his bike and lifted up, he also pulled up from the ground. I asked him: how many floors do you live in? I forgot I lived in that house. He replied. Ok, then you hurry home and I'll push your bike to your door. As soon as I had finished, he turned and ran home. So I pushed him and my bike to his garage, just parked his bike, and his mother came out and said: thank you.
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