Todd: Hello, Yoko.
Yoko: Hello, Todd.
Todd: How are you?
Yoko: Good. How are you?
Todd: Good. OK. We're gonna talk about trains.
Yoko: OK.
Todd: Do you take the train everyday?
Yoko: Yes, I have to.
Todd: Oh, really?
Yoko: Yeah, cause I don't have a car.
Todd: Oh, really?
Yoko: Yeah!
Todd: Are you have happy with that? Do you mind?
Yoko: Actually no!
Todd: Yeah, well, what's the train like in the morning when you get on?
Yoko: It's really crowded.
Todd: Yeah!
Yoko: Yes.
Todd: OK. How much is your train fare?
Yoko: Almost 500 yen.
Todd: What's the best thing about taking the train?
Yoko: Mm, nothing.
Todd: Nothing.
Yoko: Nothing. I don't think it's great. Ah, I can sleep on the train.
Todd: OK. Do you normally get a seat?
Yoko: Ah, sometimes I can.
Todd: Yeah.
Yoko: Yeah.
Todd: OK. Do you read?
Yoko: Cause I can't read a book. I'll get sick.
Todd: Oh, cause your eyes move around.
Yoko: Yeah.
Todd: Yeah, I gocha. What's the worse thing about the train?
Yoko: Ah, too crowded in Japan.
Todd: Yeah. It's terrible.
Yoko: And I have to pay.
Todd: Oh, you have to pay. Your company does not pay.
Yoko: No.
A: I think we should fly to Chaing Mai.
B: That would be too expensive.
A: How about hitchhiking***搭便車***?
B: No, that’s too dangerous.
A: We could take the bus.
B: Buses aren’t very comfortable***舒服的,舒適的***.
A: We could go by train.
B: That sounds like more fun.
Taxi Driver:
Good afternoon! Where to?
Tian’anmen Square.
Taxi Driver:
You are going to Tian’anmen Square. No problem.
How long will it take? We are in a great hurry.
Taxi Driver:
Around 20 minutes, but it all depends on the traffc.
大約20 分鐘,但得看交通狀況。
Hope there is no traffic jam.
Taxi Driver:
By this time, it’s better. The rush hour is over.
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