音訊[yīn pín]
[物] [電] audio frequency ; VF ***voice frequency***; audio- ; frequency
網 絡audio;audio frequency;acoustic frequency;af
One who mixes the audio components of a recording.
It is not possible to play back a tape on the vcr in this configuration, since there is no audio input for the vcr.
A loudspeaker designed to reproduce bass frequencies.
It is just as simple to embed audio into a page using the audio element.
Is it possible to use the audio optical output on my computer?
Your audio hardware cannot play files like the current file.
So it is of great practical importance to study the audio power amplifier.
It also offers synchronous audio support on every channel.
Does this product also support audio output?
The audio feature does not work on cell phones.
1. DAB is the radio system of the 21st Century. 數字音訊廣播是21世紀的無線電廣播系統。
2. Its frequency response has to be flat over the whole audio range. 它的頻率響應在整個音訊範圍內有所下降.
3. They hailed the advances audio has made. 他們歡呼在音訊方面所取得的進步.
4. These can also be very useful when navigating time - based documents, suchas video and audio. 它對於和時間有關的文件非常有用, 比如視訊和音訊文件.
5. Often, the meeting is recorded on audio or video media for later reference. 通常這種會議會以視訊或者音訊形式記錄下來,供以後查閱.
6. Then we'll break at the place with video / audio surveillance. OK? 我們就在那兒裝上視訊音訊監控好 嗎 ?
7. We digitize all the audio, including the radio calls. 我們分析了所有音訊, 包括無線呼叫.
8. Captures video, audio, or still images using the Capture Wizard. 使用“捕獲嚮導”捕獲視訊 、 音訊或靜止影象.
9. JMC to provide online and sharing video and audio downloads! 提供J. M. C有關的線上觀看的視訊以及音訊分享下載!
10. Set the output audio channel, audio bit rate and audio frequency. 設定輸出聲道, 音訊位元率和音訊.
11. A service utilizing lines capable of carrying voice transmission. 一種利用音訊傳輸線路的服務業務.
12. Synchronization is an important problem of digital audio watermarking. 同步性是數字音訊水印的一個重要問題.
13. Purpose: TV vertical output, audio output driver and general purposeamplifier applications. 用途: 用於電視場輸出, 音訊放大驅動級及一般放大.
14. The main lines are full range of audio and video products. 公司主要經營音訊和視訊的全系列產品.
15. The video and audio signals might be compressed during transmission ornot. 在傳輸過程中音訊和視訊訊號可能被壓縮,或者並未被壓縮.
16. Few search engines provide search for audio and video file formats. 數搜尋引擎提供搜尋視訊和音訊檔案格式.
17. Purpose: Switching, audio muting, interface circuit and driver circuitapplications. 用途: 用於開關, 音訊靜音, 介面電路和驅動電路.
18. An audio watermarking scheme based on auditory model is presented. 提出了一種基於聽覺感知模型的自適應音訊數字水印演算法.
19. It has tested nodularity and matrix - structure on the principle of sonicresonance. 依據音訊共振原理檢測了球化率和基體組織參量.
20. Olive is a digital audio equipment manufacturer based in the United States. 橄欖是一種數字音訊裝置製造商設在美國.
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