short message
1. Similarly, there is nothing intuitive or metaphoric about text messaging on a phone.
同樣, 在手機簡訊中也沒有直觀或者隱喻的內容可以參考.
2. People can donate money to quake - hit areas by sending SMS.
3. Message sending software can send cell phone message when the encrypted message.
4. People can join the interview via Fetion, a mobile messaging service.
5. Second, the esthetics color of revel exhibits its folk essence.
6. This is a Windows interface for analog phones messaging management small software!
7. Teachers also watch for cheating by text message.
8. The campaign will also use cellphone text messages.
9. This paper attempts to register borrowing in SMS through mode borrowing, tenor borrowing and field borrowing.
手機簡訊的語域借用現象表現在語式借用 、 語旨借用和語場借用這三個層次.
10. Britons now send 43 million text messages every day, more than double a year ago.
如今在英國,手機簡訊的傳送量達到了每天430萬條, 比一年前增加了一倍多.
11. The mobile phone messages have obvious characteristics in lingual material, rhetoric and style.
手機簡訊在語言材料 、 修辭方式、風格特徵等方面有其顯著特點.
12. In Africa - mobile texting has simply exploded as a form of communicating with the BBC.
13. You register the failure in the main server in short letter in cellular phone in forum.
14. Erin Jansen is founder of Netlingo, an online dictionary of Internet and text messaging terms.
15. A key aspect of text messaging is that it allows a more detached method of communication.
short message的雙語例句
1. The Work Deletion and Keystones of Short Message Chicane Casesin Our Country.
2. At last, the delay, throughput, reliability of Short Message Service is analyzed.
最後, 對短訊息業務的時延 、 吞吐量 、 可靠性等效能進行了分析.
3. Not every pig can read short message, but you can do it.
不是每一頭豬都能看短訊息, 但是你做到了.
4. Tonight, I was just falling asleep, the sound of short message out.
今天晚上, 我剛要睡著, 簡訊的聲音響起來了.
5. The subsystem and mobile short message gateway follow the CMPP protocol.
6. A serial port connection using mobile phone short message sending module source.
7. The present invention discloses an independent short message fire alarm system.
8. A total of enterprises to use the Short Message, complete code.
共企業使用的簡訊群發, 完整的程式碼.
9. Contains Short Message System SMS messages sent to and from the BlackBerry.
包含短訊息系統 SMS 的傳送的郵件和從黑莓.
10. I've just written a super - long short message.
11. But short message service is very profitable.
12. A few days later, sent a short message.
過了幾天, 短訊息發來了.
13. The maximal length of short message in Latin languages can be up to 160 characters.
14. If you send someone a short message without getting his reply, stop sending him again.
如果發簡訊息給一個人, 他不回.不要再發.
15. Through the way of short message communication, complete information exchange between the client and the console.
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