1. "Tell me about how you handled a conflict situation you encountered”
“I sat down with the other person and asked him to discuss his issues with me. I then gave my side of the story”
2. “What books or magazines do you read?”
“A trade journal relevant to the company’s line of business”
3. “What motivates you?”
“A challenge and interesting work”
4.“Where do you plan to be in five years time?”
“Your company structure makes me hope I could become a staff engineer”
5."What changes have you made in your life that you are most proud of?"
“I went back to college to study for my MBA”
6. “What are your salary requirements?”
“Salary is not my primary consideration but I do have to pay the bills, so I am open to any reasonable offer”
7. “What are some of your major weaknesses?”
“I am generally nervous giving presentations but, with preparation, I have found I am much more confident”
8 “Are you being interviewed by any other companies?”
“I do have some other options, in this particular field, but this company is my first choice”
9. If you had to compare yourself with any animal; which one would it be and why?
"A lion because although they are independent, they also work well within their group”
10. Describe how a sport or hobby taught you a lesson in teamwork?
“When I was at college my basketball coach taught me to pass the ball, if it was to my team’s advantage. So now I always look out for my team mates”
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