Dear Helen:
Summer will soon be with us again. I am genuinely looking forward to it because of the joys we shared together last summer. However, I am aware that you are facing a challenge this summer--the college entrance examination. I have great confidence in you because of your diligence and intelligence.
Do take care of yourself. Don't apply yourself so completely to studies as to neglect your health. Studying around the clock will spell disaster not only for your body but also for your mind. You'd better spare some time for a walk every day.
The college entrance is something but not everything. Try your best at your ease. After the examination, we'll enjoy a much happier summer than ever! Good luck to you.
Affectionately Yours,
Dear Jane:
How time flies! Soon you'll be taking the college entrance examination. Are you nervous? I hope you are not. Actually, there is no need to be nervous because you have always done well in your schoolwork. Perhaps the pressure comes from your parents, who tend to be over-concerned just like the parents of most students taking the exam.
Jane, don't let the people around you upset your usual calm. If they seem to be over-anxious about your exam, it's only because they care about you. You must take it easy. You must keep your cool. I don't think you have to do anything special now. Just keep up the good work you have always done in school. Don't stay up too late. You should relax, have enough rest and eat well so that you will be in good shape when the exam comes.
Well, I hope reading this letter is not taking up too much of your time. I'm sure you'll do well in the exam and enter the college of your choice. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Hsien Min
Dear S:
Only forty-two days remain before the college entrance examination. I bet you feel worried and uneasy, not knowing what to do. But don't worry too much, for everyone who intends to take the examination feels the same. You know there are over one hundred thousand students taking the examination every year, but only six-tenths of them succeed. So don't feel too bad even if you fail.
However, I don't have the slightest doubt that you will succeed if you are willing to make a dash at it in the time remaining. Then everything will be all right. I wish you luck.
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