Dear Friends:
You can hardly imagine how joyfully I was thrilled when you said in your jointly-signed letter that we could have an opportunity to spend our holiday together. It seemed apparently impossible for me to turn down your offer as I was really fed up with the kind of life I led; however, on the day following the arrival of your letter, an old family friend of ours wrote to tell our parents that he would come and be our house guest for a few days. He is not yet here, but the time of his proposed stay, unhappily and quite accidentally, coincides with that of our vacationing plan.
As a result, I was advised not to leave our home at that time. I hate to write this, but as you can see, I've got no choice. Please write me about your reunion and let me share the joy you are going to have.
Dear Jenny:
Thank you for inviting me to holiday with you, which was what I had been expecting all the time. I would have gladly accepted your invitation, but now I am afraid I can't. Yesterday I received a letter from my parents in which they said they hadn't seen me for long and hoped therefore I could be back at home for a while.
They missed me not without a reason because ever since the start of summer vacation I have been working part-time in Taipei as a bookstore clerk and have not had much time I could call my own. Much as I hope to go to Tamsui to have an eyeful of the beautiful sunset with you, chat with you and take a lot of pictures with you, I'm obliged to go home.
I hope you can understand this. I have long been absent from home and sometimes I felt lonesome. I believe you have the same experience too. Thank you again and, most important, don't forget to let me know and take me along when in future days you are inclined to see some good movies, attend parties and dances, go picnicking, of whatever. May you have a happy holiday!
Sincerely yours,
Dear Mary:
I can still remember the day we parted at your school. I was heartbroken at the thought that thereafter I might not have much of a chance to see you again. On my way home I was aware that your parting words still rang in my ears. I have received the letter you sent me last week and you can imagine how glad I was at the sight of it.
Sincerely yours,
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