A lady didn’t quite make if to hospital for the birth of her child; in fact,the baby was born on the lawn just outside the main entrance. The poor woman was dreadfully embarrassed and was being consoled by one of the nurses,who said; "Don’t worry about it. It could have been worse,when two years ago we had a woman who gave birth in the, elevator.” The woman cried,"That was me !”and burst into tears.
一個孕婦還沒有來得及到醫院就生下了她的孩子。實際上,嬰兒是在醫院大門外的草坪上出生的。這個可憐的女人因此而感到非常的尷尬。一個護士安慰她說:“不要擔心,有的人還不如你呢。兩年前有個女人是在電梯裡生下的孩子。” 那個女人淚如泉湧地哭著說:“那就是我!”
At a resort,a fellow walks up to an older fellow who is sitting in the sun, sipping iced tea.
Younger guy says,"Hey, you are going to just sit around all day? How about it if you join me for a round of gulf.”
"No,”the older fellow replies,"tried it once,didn’t like it.”
"Well then。”the younger fellow asks,"how about a swim? It might be just as refreshing as your iced tea there.”
"No,”the older fellow responds,"tried it once. didn’t like it. But if you're game for tennis。my son will be here soon and is usually up for a game or two一you might want to play with him.”
Younger fellow replies: "Your only child I presume?"
A Mormon bishop,a Catholic priest, and an evangelist were fishing from a boat in the middle of a small lake. The priest realized that he’d left his tackle box in his car, and,not wanting to disturb the other two,got out of the boat and walked over the water to the shore,got his gear, walked back,and started fishing.
An hour or so passed, and the bishop began to feel a little hungry. His lunch was back in his car, though. . . So, he got out of the boat .walked over the water got his lunch,came back,and nibbled on his sandwich.
The evangelist,not to be outdone. decided that he’d best go for a walk,too. He mumbled something about going to the bathroom,stood up,stepped over the side of the boat… and splashed into the lake.
The priest,chuckling, said to the bishop . “Think we should’ve told him about those submerged rocks
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