回信 a letter in reply
Dear Any,
How is everything going! In the last letteryou ask me what I usually do at weekends. I often sleep a lot at weekends. You knowthat I often get up at 6 ’clock in the morning at school. It’s very preciousfor me to sleep late. When I get up, I will go to search the Internet or go outwith my friends. At night, I will stay with my parents, or do my homework. BeforeI go to bed, I will do some reading or listen to some music. This is my weekend,how about yours. Please tell me something about your weekend and you last tripto Shanghai. Looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes,
我的一家 My Family
Inmy life, I am proud of having a happy family. I have a kind father, strictmother and a naught little brother. As most other families, there are laughsand tears at my home. My father is friendly to others. Our neighbors speakhighly of him. Mother is strict to me and my little brother. She has highexpectation to us, wanting us to have bright future. My little brother is aprimary school student, but he doesn’t work very hard. All he wants is playingwith his friends. It worries my parents a lot. But in general, we have morelaughs than tears. I love my lovely family.
我的臥室 My Bedroom
. my bedroom is very simple. There just is abed, a desk and a wardrobe. But I never feel my bedroom is empty, because it isthe place belongs to myself and full of my passion. When I feel happy, I canlaugh in my bedroom. When I am sad, I can cry in it. I know that no one willbother me, as it is my private place. And every morning the sunshine comes in, Ifeel warm in my heart just seems that I see my promising future. I like mybedroom.
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