At the cashier one busy day the line grew quite long. There was much grumbling among those waiting,but one man made light of the situation. He approached a woman who was obviously' very pregnant and tapped her on the shoulder. "Would you mind my asking a personal question?he said. 'Were you pregnant when you got in this line?_
在一個繁忙的日子,收銀員那裡排了很長的隊。排隊等待的人開始發牢騷,只有一名男子顯得比較輕鬆。他走到一個顯然已經懷 孕很久的女人背後,拍拍她的肩膀說:"我能不能問你一個私人問題,在你開始排隊的時候有沒有懷孕?"
A man and his son were riding in the car. The man said to his son,"Could you check and see if the dirsction lights are working on your side of the car?“ His son looked out the window and said, "Yes, no, yes,no. yes, no, yes,no…"
TO the optimist,the glass is half full.to the pessmist,the glass is haIf empty.To theengIneer,the gIaSs is twice as big as it needs to be.
I brag about my home state of Ohio whenever I have a chance. One day, I told a friend, You know, the first man in powered flight was from Ohio. The first man to orbit theearth was from Ohio. And the first man on the moon was from Ohio.H "Sounds like a lot of people are trying to get out of Ohio,"he obsetwd.
A woman took her five-year-old daughter shopping with her.The little girl watched her mother try on outfit after outfit, exclaiming each time, "Mommy,you look beautiful !”A woman in the next dressing room called out, "Can l borrow your daughter for a moment?“
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