One day, a fox fell into a deep well and could not get out. A thirsty goat looked down into the well. He saw the fox. “How is the water?” asked the goat.
“The water is cool and delicious,” said the clever fox. “Come in and have a drink!” The goat was terribly thirsty. He jumped into the well without giving it a second thought. “But how will I get out?” asked the goat.
“We’ll help each other,” said the fox. “Put your front feet on the wall. I will climb up your back. Then I will help you get out.”
The goat agreed. He placed his feet on the wall. The fox quickly climbed out and started to run away. “Come back!” cried the goat. “I can’t get out of the well by myself!”
The fox turned back and said, “You silly old goat! Jump into the well was a foolish decision. You should always think twice before you act.”
There once was a proud heron. She thought she was the wisest and most beautiful heron in the world.
One morning, she stood a stream and looked into the water. She want to have a big, fat fish for breakfast. “There are a lot of fish here,” she said, “but they’re too small for me. I deserve only the biggest and the best!”
Just then, a bigger fish swam near the shore, but the heron still wasn’t interested. “I wouldn′t bother to open my mouth for such a small fish!” she said.
Then heron was that a big, fat fish would come soon. She waited beside the stream, but only small fish appeared.
As she waited, the sun rose into the sky. The water became warm and all the small fish swam away. The heron was hungry, but she could only find a tiny snail.
“I had so many choices before,” said the heron, “but I was too proud and hard to please. Now I have nothing to eat at all.”
There once was a farmer who wanted to buy a donkey. He wanted a hardworking one that could help him on his farm. He went to a market and saw one that looked perfect.
“May I try out his donkey for a day or two?” asked the farmer. “If he is hardworking, I will pay you a good price.”
“Of course you may,” said the seller. “I’m sure that he will please you.” The farmer thanked the seller and took the donkey back to his farm.
When they arrived, the new donkey joined the other animals on the farm. He placed himself beside the fattest, laziest donkeys there. The farmer shook his head and took him back to the seller.
“Show me another donkey,” said the farmer. “I don’t want this one.” He told the seller about what the donkey had done.
“I don’t understand,” said the seller. “What’s wrong with standing beside lazy donkeys?”
“Well,” said the farmer, “you can understand a lot about someone if you look at the friends he chooses.”
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