In the morning, and wind blowing a stream of face, the stream by the wind laugh, the smile of dimples. The fish quickly over the water, as if to say: "a new day started again!" Glittering and translucent dewdrop gliding across the face of the flowers that beautiful face, the rising of the sun rises from the horizon.
The small white rabbit came out from home, "wow! What a day!" Say that finish, to the mountain sheep home. Two friends to play how happy ah! Time really quick ah, soon to the dark, little lamb.
What little turtle brother and sister would like to open a small shop, open shop?
They ask the elephant. The elephant said: "I open a flower shop, can use the long nose to water flowers."
They ask a hippo. Hippo said: "I can open a balloon, blow out with a big mouth's biggest bubble!"
Mother kangaroo in the shop? Kangaroo mother told them: "open the books and newspapers store, I put my books and newspapers to the big pocket, bring a lot of books and papers, go to where, where to sell."
Little turtle brother and sister is very sad: "we don't have a big nose, big mouth, also does not have big pocket, how to do?"
The turtle walked in the forest was sad the brother and sister. On the road, they found that a lot of animals are sorry because she couldn't find work. So they opened a animal employment agencies, hey, I didn't think it was pretty good business. -- -- -- -- -- you see, the tortoise employment office door already has many animals to line up.
Early childhood programs:
Lion can when police or security, the frog can when insect, honey bees can open shop, selling honey, a giraffe can be a fireman.
Winter is coming. Hike up the snow outside. Grunting pigs hiding in the house while doing little cake, and watching TV. "Knocked!" Suddenly someone knocked at the door. Snoring pig thought it was the clever Wolf, but opened the door a look, and empty no one outside the door. Grunting pigs are wondering, "shout" a voice came in a big wind. "
The wind's really big!" Snoring pig hurriedly closes door, "strange, clearly heard a knock at the door!" Suddenly in front of the light that came in the room a little wind sends out a beautiful light in the sky. Suddenly, the whole room become warm rise. "Is the brother of the sun, got lost in the snow?" Snoring pig is very strange, "little CARES, with the sun, I never afraid of the cold!"
Continue to make their own small cake snoring a pig. "One, one, a small sun in the home, warm and happy good comfortable!" Snoring pig singing happily. "Knocked!" At that time, there was a knock at the door from outside. "This must be a clever Wolf!" Snoring pig scramble up the table, the little hug tightly in her arms, to the door and shouted, "wait a minute, you wait a minute!" "Hide where?" Grunting pigs in the house out in a rash, "if he saw small sun, asking me to borrow?"
Outside and knock on the door, a try so hard, the snoring little pigs will plug under the bed. "What are you doing? The along while don't open the door!" Take the door, clever Wolf will Q. "
Can't you see I am making a cake?" Snoring pig answer. "How so warm in the house?" The clever Wolf is a little wonder. Pig snoring quickly motioning with his hand said: "you walked away hot! I am nothing special in the room!"
Clever east Chou Chou west look at the Wolf. Grunting pigs, suddenly found that snoring pig there's a light at the end of the bed: "wow, 'how do you hid lamp under the bed ? "
Snoring pigs, under the bed if there is light, it was the small sun. "It's not a desk lamp! You!" Grunting pigs pushed the clever Wolf to the table, "I ask you to eat cake!" Snoring pig wantto alert the Wolf's attention to the cake. But at this moment, the snow started to fall suddenly in the room. Soon, the sofa, bed, table, all piled up a layer of white snow. "Strange, the room can also snow?" Clever at my desk and then snow Wolf.
Grunting pigs in the cold Shivering, "the snow come from?" At this moment, suddenly flashed through the house to a beautiful girl, to shout pig said: "I'm a genie winter, your room so cold, why don't you give me to take out your small sun together to keep warm?" Grunting pigs embarrassedly held the small sun out from under the bed: "originally the small sun is winter elf!!"
Clever Wolf see, burst out laughing. Two little friend around together for warmth. The laughter in the house, the house also gradually melted snow. After reading the parents interaction: Have a good things to share with friends.
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