我和哥哥的歷險記 The Adventure Diary Of My Brother And Me
It was sunny that day. Our parents were out, sothere were only my brother and me at home. We were bored. So we decided to goboating. We played happily. But when we went to the middle of the river, theweather changed. It rained suddenly. We didn’t bring umbrella and our boat was bambooraft. As the rain was more and heavier, we were afraid to sink in the river. Wetried our best to make our boat in shore. But our bamboo raft had more water onit. I was afraid to die. My brother was also very anxious. At that time, mymother came and she pulled us back to the ground. It was thrilling.
龍舟比賽Dragon Boat Race
A Dragon boat race is a traditional amusement activityin dragon boat festival. Today, my mother took me out to watch dragon boatraces. I was very excited, because this was my first time to watch such race. Whenwe arrived at Nanhu Park, there were hundreds of people around the two sides ofthe river. We found a place can see the match clearly hardly. The participatesat on the boat look like dragon. When the signal to start set, everyone on theboat tried their best to make the boat forward. And the people who werewatching also cheered them. The air was very lively.
我的夢想 My Dream
Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lot of money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of being famous. Some people dream of going abroad, and so on. But my dream is different. Maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream.
I have a wonderful dream in my heart. It's to speak English very well. Since English is everything for me. English is my best friend. English is my soul. English is my power. Without English, I'm nothing at all. Nothing. Now, I can think in English, speak in English, and write in English. Some people think I'm an Indian. Some people regard I'm a Pakistan. And some people even consider that I'm an Egyptian. But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant. So I work very hard.
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