In Chinese old days, people’s marriage were decided by their parents, so most couples haven’t met before they got married, as the development of the society, people ask for their freedom and rights to choose their lovers. So today, people can choose their own lovers at their wills, but the divorce rate is increasing every year. More and more young couples get married very quickly, they believe in strong feelings and want to be together forever, as the time goes by, their conflicts can’t reconcile, so they have to end their marriage. In my opinion, marriage is not a joke, people need to get to know each other well before they marry. Lightning marriage is not a good choice, because it needs time to get to know others, to see whether the two people are suitable to live together. They should think twice before act.
In my hometown, there is a tradition that we will hold a celebration party when we enter a higher school. This summer I will go to high school. So my parents hold a celebration party for me on 25th, August. They invite some of our close relatives to come to our home for a big dinner. It is the tradition that the celebration is for families not friends. So, I don’t invite any of my friends. The dinner is very fancy, which is comparable to the festival dinner. During the dinner time, they will ask me about my school and study, and the give some encouragement to me. Later, when the dinner is going to the end, they will give some money to me for the school expend, inclining that they support me to receive better education. And my parents will appreciate for their contribution. Then the celebration for entering a higher school is closed.
Nowadays, as the development of the Internet, people count on the computer so much. They use the computer to communicate with others, scan the instant news or do their work. Internet provides people a large stage to share their opinion. But the problem comes, as the law about the Internet is not that complete, so some people say what that they want, even attack others. They are not afraid, because there is no law can punish them. Internet language sometimes is like another form of violence, the celebrities are easily becoming the targets for people to attack. The small contradiction can be enlarged by the uncivilized words and someone will be criticized by the public. They are under great pressure and people don’t have to undertake it originally. We should watch out our Internet words, never try to hurt others. Remember the moral regulations.
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