1:Save Food
As a child, I am so luck. I don’t need toworry about food. I always have enough delicious food, live in a big house, andhave beautiful clothes to dress. I am so happy that I have no idea to treasureall these things. I am a kind of particular about food. I often eat a littlefor one dish and the throw it away, because I have many choices. I will be fullafter eating several dishes. But one day, I watch a piece of news on TV. It isabout some Africa children who are suffering starvation. They are so poor. Theyare not only having no food to eat but also having little water to drink. A bowlof rice is very rare for them. Seeing their longing eyes, I feel guilty. I amregret about wasting food before. How can I waste so much rare food? From nowon, I will try my best to save food, to do something for them.
2:Eradication of Poverty
There is a festival in the world called InternationalDay for the Eradication of Poverty. It falls on the seventeenth of Octoberevery year. The reason why this festival exists just as it is serious in thereality life. In present days, although more and more people are enjoying abetter life, there are still some people in the situation of poverty. It is anemergency that needs people to solve as soon as possible. In my opinion, thereare several aspects people should realize. First of all, the rich should helpthe poor. They can donate some money to them or provide some job opportunitiesto them. Otherwise, the gas between the wealthy and poor will be bigger. Secondly,the government should publish some policy to help the poor to escape from poverty.Last but not least, the poor people should try their best to fight forthemselves. After all, the best people can help you is yourself. If we caneradicate poverty one day, the world will be more beautiful.
3:United Nations Day
October is a month with lots of festivals. Doyou know United Nations Day? It set up on October 24th, 1945. Since then, everyyear of 24th, October becomes the United Nations Day. United Nations is firstlyinvented by America president, Roosevelt. Its purpose is to maintaininternational peace and security, development international friendlyrelationship, promote international cooperation of economic, society, cultureand human wealthy and so on. The design of the UN emblem matches up its goal. Thepicture of the emblem is two olive branches foiling the whole earth, whichmeans everyone makes effort to achieve world peace. Do you know why? It isbecause the olive branch represents of peace, which derive from an old fairytale. As a world, comprehensive international government organization, it has192 countries as its member now. After listening to my introduction, do you havea better understanding about United Nations Day?
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