精選英文小詩:Ireland, Ireland
Down thy valleys, Ireland, Ireland,
Down thy valleys green and sad,
Still thy spirit wanders wailing,
Wanders wailing, wanders mad.
Long ago that anguish took thee,
Ireland, Ireland, green and fair,
Spoilers strong in darkness took thee,
Broke thy heart and left thee there.
Down thy valleys, Ireland, Ireland,
Still thy spirit wanders mad;
All too late they love that wronged thee,
Ireland, Ireland, green and sad.
not as in pin, the kind that keeps the wheels turning,
and not the strip of land that marks the border between two fields.
unrelated to link, as in chain, or by extension whatever connects one part to another,
and therefore not a measure of chain,
which in any case is less than the span of a hand holding the reins,
the rope, the hoe, or taking something like justice into itself,
as when a captain turned judge and gave it his name.
that was before it lost its balance and crossed the border,
the massed body of undoers claiming connection,
relation, an intimate right to the prized parts, to the body undone.
精選英文小詩:Lupine Ridge
Long after we are gone,
Summer will stroke this ridge in blue;
The hawk still flies above the flowers,
Thinking, perhaps, the sky has fallen
And back and forth forever he may trace
His shadow on its azure face.
Long after we are gone,
Evening wind will languish here
Between the lupine and the sage
To die a little death upon the earth,
As though over the sundown prairies fell
A requiem from a bronze-tongued bell.
Long after we are gone,
This ridge will shape the night,
Lifting the wine-streaked west,
Shouldering the stars. And always here
Lovers will walk under the summer skies
Through flowers the color of your eyes.
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