Beauty in its winter slippers pproached us by degrees on the gravel path.
We were hitching a ride out; had been hitching.
Our suitcase freighted with a few gardening tools lifted from the shed while the old man,
old enough,looked away.
He who went fishing at night ***so he said*** carrying in his pail a nest of tiny flame.
We were headed, headed out,we were going in a direction.
No tricks or intrigue, just a noisy ineptness.
If that's a word. Beauty, dipped in resin beneath its shag,
was always ready with the right curse to recite to our nature.
It is in us, it is,in the smokehouse in the woods and the old man looked away.
Song of experience.
There were treads in the snow.
We waited for our hitch.
There were train tracks which stung with clods of this region's rare clay.
We were boys, boyish, almost girls.
Left alone on the roof, we would have dwindled.
Incrimination called to us from the city and its fog-blacked lake,
called to us from the salvaged farms beyond the lake,
from the wilds beyond that.
Guilty was good.
Steering my little boat towards a misty islet,
I watch the sun descend while my sorrows grow:
In the vast night the sky hangs lower than the treetops,
But in the blue lake the moon is coming close.
Night on the Great River
We anchor the boat alongside a hazy island.
As the sun sets I am overwhelmed with nostalgia.
The plain stretches away without limit.
The sky is just above the tree tops.
The river flows quietly by.
The moon comes down amongst men.
Mooring on Chien-te River
The boat rocks at anchor by the misty island
Sunset, my loneliness comes again.
In these vast wilds the sky arches down to the trees.
In the clear river water, the moon draws near.
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