《Do you fear the wind》
Do you fear the force of the wind,
The slash of the rain?
Go face them and fight them,
Be savage again.
Go hungry and cold like the wolf,
Go wade like the crane:
The palms of your hands will thicken,
The skin of your cheek will tan,
You'll grow ragged and weary and swarthy,
But you'll walk like a man!
spring goeth all in white
robert bridges 春之女神著素裝
羅伯特·布里季 spring goeth all in white,
crowned with milk-white may;
in fleecy flocks of light,
o'er heaven the white clouds stray;
white butterflies in the air;
white daisies prank the ground;
the cherry and hoary pear,
scatter their snow around. 春之女神著素裝,
When I love》
I feel that I am the king of time
I possess the earth and everything on it
and ride into the sun upon my horse.
When I love
I become liquid light
invisible to the eye
and the poems in my notebooks
become fields of mimosa and poppy.
When I love
the water gushes from my fingers
grass grows on my tongue
when I love
I become time outside all time.
When I love a woman
all the trees
run barefoot toward me.
《winter moon》
a little white thistle moon
blown over the cold crags and fens:
a little white thistle moon
blown across the frozen heather.
《Valentine day》
You are supposed to buy a rose
in such pink atmosphere;
I wonder if roses bloom
only for us.
the store owner winks,
afterwards, you can return them.
With a little money,
I hold the rose' destination;
when the day passes,
who else will care her petals paled
somewhere else?
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