basic information
name: guo classmates sex: male
date of birth: 1987 nationality: chinese
account where: hebei handan guangping current: shijiazhuang city
graduate institutions: hebei vocational and technical college political landscape: members
highest level of education: post-secondary repair by a professional: software technology
talent type: student graduation date: 2014
job intentions
job type: full-time
position: programmer
hope location: shijiazhuang / beijing
wish to pay: negotiable
education and training experience
from september 2014 to june 2014, hebei institute of software technology occupational specialty
language proficiency
english level: a level
computer capacity
uml modeling language, sqlserver database, java programming language,
jsp web design, java for c / s architecture, oracle database management
professional skills:
focused on the procedures for the development of java ee
javascript scripting, webservice
struts + hibernate + spring development framework, ajax, svn version control.
proficiency in the use of html, jsp, servlet, sqlserver database
basis with photoshop
practical experience
enterprise messenger
project profile: enterprise messenger ***corperation messager*** is a software company or companies for internal use instant messaging network, primarily for real-time communication between employees and exchanges. it is mainly by the server-side program and client program is composed of two parts, the overall use of java platform development and the realization of optional user data to microsoft sql server 2014 unified management.
project framework: mvc1
code :2500-3000 line
technical: using jdbc database connection, the use of c / s structure, to support the tcp / ip protocol socket ***socket***, thread ***thread***
tools: jdk 1.5.0 or later, netbeans ide 5.0 or later.
database: microsoft sql server 2014 and above.
role as: the client is mainly responsible for the maintenance of the user's information ***by adding, changing, check***, the server side is mainly responsible for the completion of communications technology, and in accordance with different protocols to help customers to complete a variety of customer data read operation, to achieve user information maintenance function
press release system
project introduction: the arrival of the age of the internet led to today's information explosion, the news faster and more different forms through the internet to meet with many users. day morning, we will open the tom, sina, yahoo to get more news and information. more enterprises to allow their own raw materials and parts for the outside world have also developed a press release system, in this system, users can customize the columns and news classification, news information, and to provide logs and user management.
project framework: mvc1
code volume: 4000-4500 line
development tools: eclipse ganymede
as a role: programmer
involve major technical: html javascript based on module 2 of the mvc architecture of the component-based web application development
main technical: microsoft sql server 2014, tomcat6.0, jdk 1.5.0 or later, svn
the development of the number of: 2 people
main modules: category management ***add columns, column management, added categories, category management***, information management ***press releases, press releases***.
key: web client and server applications
web-based mvc framework
fckeditor components such as the use of web
data page display technology
electronic album system
project description: the system is a complete b / s structure of the electronic album system, including the open user registration; to create your own photo album space, upload photos, browse photos of others. as well as albums, photos, comments issued. in addition, the system also includes a system administrator, the system administrator can manage the type of album, photo album, photos.
project framework: mvc
code volume: 6000-7000 line
development tools: myeclipse 6.0, tomcat6.0, jdk 1.5.0 version of the above
as a role: programmer
major technical: jsp, struts + spring + hibernate integration, microsoft sql server2014, tomcat6.0, jdk1.5.0 or later.
main modules: the logged-on user ***view album released album reviews, browse photos, published photos comments*** unknown users ***see photo album to view photos*** system administrator ***delete users, delete the photos, delete albums, photo album category management, etc.***
technical focus: photo upload
album, photo page.
one-to-many, many-to-many connection, such as data.
received awards
college students division, technology and culture festival photography contest won first prize dv.
easy-going person, friendly, love to make friends.
broad-loving, like pictures, video editing. branch, technology and culture in the college arts festival photography competition awarded first prize dv.
prudent, practical, learning ability and adaptability, able to work under pressure
the organization has a certain ability and teamwork ability.
as long as a stage to me, i will provide you a wonderful dance!
姓 名: xuexila
國籍: 中國
目前所在地: 天河區
民族: 漢族
戶口所在地: 梅州
身材: 176 cm?71 kg
婚姻狀況: 未婚
年齡: 23
誠信徽章: 人才測評:
人才型別: 應屆畢業生
應聘職位: 軟體測試工程師、系統測試/測試員、軟體工程師:
工作年限: 0
求職型別: 均可
可到職日期: 隨時
月薪要求: 面議
希望工作地區: 廣東省 不限 不限
公司名稱: 起止年月:2011-12 ~ 2011-12中國移動東莞分公司鳳崗營業廳
公司性質: 國有企業所屬行業:通訊/電信運營、增值服務
擔任職務: 後臺
工作描述: 整理資料,接聽客戶來電諮詢。
畢業院校: 廣東工程職業技術學院
最高學歷: 大專
畢業日期: 2012-07-01
所學專業一: WEB應用開發
外語: 英語 一般
國語水平: 粵語水平:
SQL server資料庫、
姓 名: xuexila
性 別: 女
民 族: 漢族
出生年月: 1987年6月27日
婚姻狀況: 未婚
身 高: 154cm
體 重: 47kg
戶 籍: 江西南昌
現所在地: 江西南昌
畢業學校: 華東交通大學
學 歷: 本科
專業名稱: 網路工程 畢業年份:
職 稱:
求職 意向
職位性質: 全 職
職位類別: 計算機軟體
職位名稱: 文員 ; 與網際網路有關 ; 軟體測試
工作地區: 江西九江 ; 江西南昌 ;
待遇要求: 1200元/月 可面議 ; 不需要提供住房
到職時間: 可隨時到崗
時間 所在學校 學歷
2005年9月 - 2009年7月 華東交通大學軟體學院網路工程 本科
時間 培訓機構 證書
自我評價: 性格開朗大方自信,思維敏捷活躍,為人真誠熱情,樂於幫助他人
發展方向: 在學校學習計算機專業,所以想從事於計算機和網路有關工作,如網站建設、網路業務員軟體測試,但對服務類工作比較感興趣,其他行業也可考慮
*** : 手機號碼:
***: QQ***OICQ***:
個人網站: ***:
- 軟體測試的英語簡歷模板
- 有關葉子的優美散文欣賞
- 關於交通標誌的手抄報
- 陳式太極拳學習的五個要領
- 中學生最喜歡聽的歌曲排行榜
- 文字控唯美意境圖片_優美有意境的高清大圖
- 文藝點的關於青春勵志的文章
- 老鼠進書箱打一歇後語的答案
- 調理糖尿病的藥膳有哪些
- 為什麼眉毛上會長痘痘
- 世界上威力最強的十大狙擊槍
- 萬聖節這天有什麼特殊意義
- 檸檬戚風蛋糕的做法圖解
- 孕期女性如何保健養生
- 霸氣的四個字女生網名
- 有格調的情侶個性簽名
- 青春勵志傷感的個性簽名文藝
- 用碧空萬里怎麼造句
- 複試英語電子專業自我介紹
- 描寫秋天景色的作文範文4篇
- 康熙字典五行屬金的字
- 康熙字典五行屬木的字
- 康熙字典五行屬水的字
- 康熙字典五行屬火的字
- 康熙字典五行屬土的字