


  Hello everybody! My name is xxx ***write your own name here***. Had done a lot of colorful childhood dream, when a xxx is one of my dreams I have a lofty ideal, that is, I want to be a xxx, so I also like blue and silver white, it represents I will fly to the sky. My height is xxx, is an introverted person, so I like reading all kinds of books like, of course, my favorite xx, I do not know if I like to read another endless death, the animation in the classic of classics ah! I enjoy swimming in the sea of books, where it handed and I hope you have the same hobby.

  Broad interest of my biggest advantage is helpful, I just do the typical hot intestines, after you if anyone difficult, as long as I help you, though, I must have been without any hesitation! ! Gudaorechang to refer to very appropriate, and I get along well with this person, you will gradually understand me. Ha ha. I, like winter, there is no particular reason for autumn too sad, too warm in summer, but spring is too mild winter could not be better, ranging between four and can make people calm, so that people aftertaste. . Proud of my favorite winter plum, tough quality is the goal of my study, I like the insistence of snow for the courage of destination.

  By the way, my favorite food is my mother's, her art is very good, do I eat food stomach wide open, articulate your mouth, I welcome you to add our guest, ensure that home was full of praise.

  This is me, a happy boy and a helpful boy, a clever kind of me.

  Today, I stood in the middle of the students. I like the students here, eager to fly, have a greater desire for the future development of space, their talent is more widely used. I think there hard work will be fruitful. The next few years, the portrait of the teacher to teach you, we will have a better future unlimited.

  大家好!我叫xxx***這裡寫您自己的名字***。幼年時曾作過許多色彩斑斕的夢,當個xxx是我其中之一的夢想我有一個遠大的理想,那就是我要當一名xxx,所以我還喜歡天藍色和銀白色,它代表著我要飛向天空。 我身高xxx,是一個性格內向的人,所以我很喜歡讀書,各種書都喜歡,當然啦,我最喜歡xx,不知道大家是否看過另我喜歡不已的死神,動漫中經典中的經典啊!我盡情遨遊在書的海洋中,在這裡也希望交到和我擁有同樣愛好的你。


  對了,我最喜歡吃的食物是我媽媽做的,她的手藝非常好,做的食物讓我食胃大開,口齒留香,歡迎大家到我加來做客,保證讓家讚不絕口。  這就是我,一個幸福的男孩,一個樂於助人的男孩,一個聰明善良的我。  今天,我站在了同學們中間。我和在座的同學們一樣,渴望展翅高飛,渴望將來有更大的發展空間,有施展才華的更廣闊的天地。我想,有耕耘就會有收穫。未來的幾年裡,由各位老師的傾情傳授,我們一定會有一個無限美好的未來。


  Hello, everyone! My name is JooZone. I am x years old. I am from China.I can speak Chinese and a little English. My favorite subject is English, because I think it is very interesting. I like going to the movies, playing sports and reading books. I like summer best, because it is very relaxing and we have a long hollday. I love my life. I think I am a happy girl. Do you want to make friends with me?


  大家好!我是 JooZone。我x歲。我來自中國。我會說中文和一點英文。我最喜歡的科目是英語,因為我認為它非常有趣。我喜歡看電影,做運動和看書。我最喜歡夏天,因為他非常輕鬆並且我們有一個長的假期。我愛我的生活。我認為我是一個快樂的女孩。你想和我做好朋友麼?


  Hello,every one!***大家好***

  My name is **** . ***我叫*******

  I'm a 15 years old boy. ***我是一個15歲的男孩******具體情況自己改***

  I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.***我住在美麗的Rizhao城******你可以把Rizhao改成自己家鄉的城市的名稱的拼音***

  I'm an active ,lovely and clever boy.***我是一個活躍的可愛的聰明的男孩***

  In the school , my favourite subject is maths . ***在學校,我最喜歡數學***

  Perhaps someone thinks it's difficult to study well .***也許有些人認為這很難學***

  But I like it.***但我喜歡他***

  I belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.***我相信每件事付出努力就會有害結果***

  I also like sports very much.***我也很喜歡運動***

  Such as,running,volleyball and so on. ***像跑步、排球等等***

  I'm kind-hearted.***我很熱心***

  If you need help ,please come to me .***如果你需要幫助,就來找我***

  I hope we can be good friends!***我希望我們能成為好朋友***

  OK.This is me .A sunny boy.***好了,這就是我,一個陽光男孩***