5-year-old, she was in the alley slums in the number of children being stopped and robbed Kuaican He crystal card issuers. Crying in panic when a boy ran up to drive away those people, and then holding her hand, to accompany her home. She forgot to ask his name, only remember the warmth of his palm.
6-year-old, she transferred to the new school. Her skirts and dresses on the other students than plain clothes, it is incompatible with, she does not bow to the phrase. Squad leader came, Qianqi her hand. At this time, she saw a light blue Nashuang Tongren. She recalled that the temperature of his palm.
At the age of 12, she was admitted to a private secondary schools, found that he had not used his hand in no time. After school, her running across several blocks to his school to find him, and he happened to run into a beautiful girl said. She sad for a long time.
14-year-old, once, she hides in the corner to see him play basketball, his results were found. He又好gas and funny and towing her to come to the front of the seat.
16-year-old that year, he hesitated and said, and his family so poor, for fear she Peibu Shang. She denied him go, Dian Qijiao Tsim initiative kissed him. That night, he went to the woods, pick a large holding Jiao-yan of the Wild Rose gave her. The backyard of her home across the iron railing, she hands him witness to a paste on their cheeks.
19-year-old, she entered the field of a university. A cold morning, she stood deserted station platform, to the dense fog filled the view of the end of the track. Because he has Zangou the travel, from the distant view of her home. Ting Wen before the train, he jumped onto the platform. Dongde see her face red, he suddenly brought her into his coat Lan,.
Her full 24-year-old, her father found him to the stability and happiness of her life because, suggested that he leave. Prior to departure, his next stop in her window for a whole night. The next morning, she Tuikai Chuang, see Yuanqiang root railings on each other with a haggard all the roses, there are a few of the petals.
25-year-old, she married guitar, with the President to emigrate.
Her life stability and prosperity. 75-year-old that year, her husband died. His son has been great achievements in their career, she insisted on returning to live with. Unexpectedly, three months after an early morning, she woke up and found, no longer see the beautiful home of the sun. Son hastily hired the best local doctor. Baifacangcang experts that the old walked into the room at the moment, a sudden Lengzhu.
Old experts trembling to her, as if to return to the past. Gently, his grip on her wheelchair handrails Shougulinxun hands. At that time, her face suddenly Ningzhu of wrinkles, and then start to Shu. She explored with the same old那隻paste it into the hands of their cheeks, Nannandiyu: "This is the temperature."
Although her eyes Zhibu Hao, but he was still full of joy to marry her. Wedding day, she Wanzhe he slowly walk in the red carpet, the smell in the hall are red roses holy sweet fragrance. She tears flash, feel like 70 years ago that he was holding the girl.
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