材料:歡迎外國朋友來你選擇你家作host family.你的理由.
設想:寫作思路需要一個邏輯線索才能鋪開並加以拓展,否則,就會結構混亂,顛三倒四.空間順序是最值得借鑑的佈局.具體來說,由內到外, 由近及遠.反之,也可以。
草稿1 :
I hope you’ll choose to live in my home, which the following reasons can account for. To start with, my family members are friendly and helpful. Whenever exposed to any trouble, you are welcome to turn to us for help or advice. Morever, we can benefit from each other by communicating both in English and Chinese. Most importantly, your stay in my home will rid you of dullness and loneliness, which will equally contribute greatly to our friendship.
草稿2 :
I tend to believe it is wise of you to choose my home as you host family. Firstly, my family members are friendly and helpful. Whenever you are exposed to any trouble, you can count on us to help you. Secondly, your stay here will provide a channnel through which you practise Chinese just as I prastise English. Similarly, my famliy will prevent you from dullness and loneliness, which will bring about deep friendship between us.
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