


  Typical signals of nervousness

  Hands in pockets 手放在口袋裡

  Increased blinking of the eyes 眨眼次數過多;

  Failure to make eye contact害怕眼神的接觸;

  Licking and biting of the lips 舔嘴脣和史嘴脣;

  Finger tapping 敲叩手指;

  Fast,jerky gestures 手勢又急又快;

  Cracking voices 粗啞的聲音

  Increased rate of speech 講話速度加快;

  Clearing of the throat 清嗓子;

  Buttocks clamped tightly together 臀部崩得緊緊的;

  The way to over come nervousness is breathe in deep and breathe out slowly for some times.


  Keynote speech

  A Keynote speech is to outline the subjects to be addressed by other speakers at an event,and to establish the tone of a meeting or program.
