


  1.—Is the child any better today?2013,武漢

  —I think so.His temperature seems ________ now.

  A.high B.normal C.low D.special

  2.—I'm going to buy a car.Any advice,Charlie?

  —Well,it depends on ________.If money isn't a problem,you can buy a BMW.2013,麗水

  A.when you will buy one

  B.how much you can afford

  C.what color you like

  D.where you are driving

  3.I found a letter ________ on the floor when I came into the classroom.2013,梅州

  A.lying B.lay C.lie D.lies

  4.We find ________ impossible for us to learn a foreign language well in a short time.2012,鹽城

  A.that B.this C.one D.it

  5.—Please ________ the paper,Jimmy!

  —But I haven't checked it yet,Mr Black.2012,麗水

  A.hand in B.take out

  C.look at D.go through

  6.—________ model plane is this?

  —I think it's Jim's.Look,his name is on it.2013,徐州

  A.Who B.What C.Whose D.Where

  7.I can't eat any food.I am ________.2011,江西

  A.busy B.hungry C.full D.serious

  8.—I have ________ in learning English and I'm so worried.Could you help me with it?

  —Sure,I'd love to.2012,畢節

  A.joy B.interest C.trouble D.fun

  9.—How long may I ________ your bike?

  —For a week.But you mustn't ________ it to others.2011,金華

  A.borrow;lend B.keep;lend

  C.lend;borrow D.keep;borrow

  10.—Do you know ________ this afternoon?

  —I'm not sure,but I'll tell you as soon as she ________.2013,連雲港

  A.how will Betty arrives;starts

  B.how Betty will arrive;will start

  C.what time will Betty arrive;will start

  D.what time Betty will arrive;starts



  11.Would you please open the window and let some f________新鮮的air in?

  12.You're not allowed to p________停車 your car in front of the school.

  13.When I get home from work,I like listening to music.That always makes mer________放鬆的.

  14.Almost all the people love the bird because it is the s________象徵of peace.

  15.Don't p________指向others with your chopsticks.



  A:I have been invited to a party tonight.What time should I arrive for that?


  A:Yes,they did.They said seven.

  B:Then you can get there at 7:15.17.________


  B:Maybe the hostess is still busy with something.

  A:18.________What should I do?

  B:You must call and say you will be late.And if you are really late,say sorry as soon as you get there.

  A:19.________I certainly can't go there empty­handed.

  B:You can bring a small present.You don't want to show how rich you are,do you?

  A:No,certainly not.


  A:No,thanks very much.

  A.Any more questions?

  B.If something happens and I can't go there in time.

  C.I really don't know what to do.

  D.Just make sure that you are not earlier than that.

  E.Do you know what to buy?

  F.Don't be late.

  G.Did they tell you the time?
